1863 bay mare. By an unknown sire out of an unknown bay mare bought in Cairo by Prince Roman Sanguszko at an unknown date from an unknown person.
The 1903 Russian Arabian Stud Book mentions Caramba as an ancestor of the stallion Attyk: “‘Karamba’ (Карамба), Arabian mare, born in 1862 at Tornovsky farm (Торновский завод) owned by Prince V.E. Sanguszko, from bay Arabian mare bought in Cairo by Prince R.V. Sanguszko.” Under the entry for Grenada II it refers to a “bay Arabian mare ‘Karamba № 245’ (Карамба № 245) (1863).”
The Janow Podloski pedigree database which follows the Polish stud books published in the 1930s characterizes this mare as d.b. or “desert bred.” The 1903 Russian Arabian Stud Book does not make such a claim.