A mare foaled at Slawuta presumably around the year 1800. In Russian, the term “Polka” refers to a Polish woman. The Janow Podloski database, which is based off Polish stud books, is the only source of the pedigree of this mare. If Polka was born or simply present at Slawuta/Chrestówka in around 1800 the stable report from 1799 gives readers an idea of the type of horses used in the Sanguszko herd during this period. According to Janow Podloski, this mare was the dam of Szumka I. In addition, she is the granddam of Szumka II through her daughter Polka. Polka, foaled at Slawuta around 1800, was not an Arabian mare.
For further discussion of the local non Arabian mares in Skowronek’s pedigree please read this article: “The local mares at the heart of Skowronek’s pedigree.“