Stud book of Arabian horses with their pedigrees present in Russia (1903)

Volume I

Part 1: Pureblood Arabian horses of exclusively Bedouin origin[1].

Part 2: Horses of Arabian blood and equine profiles of farms or farms’ departments of exclusively Arabian direction[2].

Published by the Main Managing Department of State Horse Breeding, Saint Petersburg, 1903.

Edited by Lyman Doyle. Translated from Russian by Ekaterina Vsemirnova.

Editor’s Note

The Russian Arabian Stud Book of 1903 is the most definitive Arabian stud book of the 20th century with respect to Skowronek. It offers readers a clear standard by which to evaluate Skowronek, a horse born in Russia in 1908, 5 years after the stud book was published.

The purpose of the book was to “preserve in Russia, in all its integrity, a pureblood Arabian horse. It should be saved in the same state in that it was brought up in the Syrian Desert and in Arabia by the nomadic Bedouins.”

The book is divided into two sections. The first part is for “pureblood” Arabians of exclusively Bedouin origin. The book is defined by the information required of a horse’s provenance to gain admission to part one. The second part is for horses with Arabian blood, either not proven, or mixed with non-Arabian blood, but bred in an exclusively Arabian direction. Since there was no English equivalent for this categorization it was translated from the Russian as “horses of Arabian blood.” An alternative translation is the literal “blood Arabian horses,” which there is no English equivalent. There are no written requirements for admission to part two.

According to the Stud Book’s rules, to gain admission to part one, a horse required information on it’s strain, sub-strain, Bedouin breeder and the chain of custody of the horse from that Bedouin breeder to the owner in Russia. This standard is as relevant today as it was in 1903.

No horse owned or bred by the Sanguszko or Potocki families gained entry to part one. Horses that were supposedly imported from “Arabia” by the Sanguszko family over the years did not have the information necessary on their provenance to prove they were “pureblood.” Additionally, at the time of publication, there were no horses on their Khrestovetsky farm that exclusively descended from imported sires and dams. However, according to Prince Roman Sanguszko Jr., all his horses had at least 65% to 85% Arabian blood. These facts disqualified admission to part one for all horses with Sanguszko bred ancestors.

The book points out the marketing strategy of farms such as the Sanguszko’s. While the Sanguszkos actually bred horses in what the authors of the Stud book call an “exclusively Eastern direction,” the Sanguszko’s called their specialization “pureblood Arabians.”

We learn the following about Skowronek’s ancestors in the Russian Stud Book of 1903:

  1. Skowronek’s dam “Yaskulka” born 1891, by Rymnik out of Epopeja, is listed in part two as the second to last horse of this text. Since Skowronek’s dam was listed in part II of the stud book, it follows that Skowronek would be also listed in part II had this book been updated prior to WWI.
  2. Horses that share common ancestors with Skowronek are listed throughout part II of the stud book. Their connection to Skowronek is indicated with a footnote.

The translation follows:

Table of contents

Introduction: On the meaning and organization of the stud book
What kind of horses are recognized as horses of Arabian blood of exclusively Bedouin origin.
Information required for horses to be included in the first part of the stud book
Overview of Arabian horse breeding in Europe and Russia

Part I.

Pureblood Arabian stallions, producers of Bedouin origin
Pureblood Arabian brood mares of Bedouin origin, with their offspring

Part II.

Horses of Arabian blood, and equine profiles of farms or farms’ departments of exclusively Arabian direction.

Producers- stallions
Brood mares with offspring

The stud book of Arabian horses in Russia is divided into two parts: 1) Pureblood Arabian horses of exclusively Bedouin origin and 2) Horses of Arabian blood and equine profiles of farms or farms’ departments of an exclusively Arabian direction.

The first part contains only names and data of horses which undoubtedly originated from the Bedouin tribes. The said tribes have preserved the Arabian breed in all its purity, at least since the times of Muhammad. The reason for segregation of Arabian horses of Bedouin origin in a special group is explained by the following considerations:

Pure blood[3] of Arabian producers is a true guarantee of constancy in transferring to offspring, not only their typical features and exterior build, but also their internal qualities, such as energy, strength, endurance and low demands regarding care and maintenance. And this is very important.

When comparing the representatives of two breeds – a pureblood Arabian horse[4] and an Eastern horse of not very well-known origin – it is quite possible that the first one will be inferior in terms of stature and general physique when compared to the second horse. However, when judging them as producers and even by their performance in service, my experience says that the first one will demonstrate its an enormous potential in transferring her best qualities to offspring and manifest an unexpected strength and endurance.

This can be explained by the fact that with poor nutrition and minimal handling, the Arabian horse retained in its composition only what was necessary for the cause, and that it is inherent to it due to the natural conditions of its homeland. The essence of the Arabian horse is an internal fire, muscle and bone structure of the most stellar quality in the world. With just slightly better care, the Arabian horse itself, taken at a young age, and its offspring will thrive no less, if not more, than “cultural” breeds. Only these conditions explain that the horse breeding of an entire country[5] over the course of a century was under the influence of a few pureblood Arabians[6], such as Smetanka[7], Shagya and Darley-Arabian.

By unanimous agreement among all true experts on Bedouin’s horse breeding, in Europe, Syria, Egypt and other countries adjacent to Arabia, the horse of Arabian blood has survived in its untouched purity only with Bedouins, Annazah[8] and Shammar (nomadic Arabs) of northern Arabia and Mesopotamia, some of their tribal allies and in few localities of central Arabia (Nadj). The latter areas, however, have little access for Europeans, and the horse breeding there is under-developed.

The Annazah tribe consists of the following divisions and branches: 1) Fedhaan which has divisions or clans of: Shmeilat, Azhazher, Khrissa, Russ, Mekhet, Dunagheil, Ibn Ernat; 2) Sebaa, and its sub-divisions: Gomussa, Ressalin (its branch Misrab), Duam, Mesekh. Abadat, Mozdja, (branches: Roff, Uther, Umien, Bagd, Bia), Khebad, Ammarat; 3) Ibn Háddal; 4) Hesénneh; 5) Wélled Ali (branch: Tayar); 6) Roála (branch: Ashajaa).

The Shammar tribe is divided into the following sub-groups (family: Jerba, Hatba, Asslan, Saekh, Aleyan, Abde, Sheddadi, Ghaet Jerat, Feddara, Amut, Affarit, Meniya, Sabit, Lahebi, Sdeyt, Hammar, Selga).

The tribes, allied to Annazah are: Aghedaat (branches: Abu Serai, Moali, Weldi, Afuddli) and others. The tribes, allied Shammar include Baggara, Haddadin and others. There are also various nomadic tribes: Bani Sakhr, Huetat, Shararat and others.

In Nadj at present only the farms of the sovereign Princes (Emirs) Hail (in Jabal Shammar) and Riyadh are known. These farms’ stables are replenished with the acquisition of horses from the said Bedouin tribes Annazah and Shammar and the Jabal Shammar tribes: Mutair, Oteiba and others.

In cities and locations adjacent to the camping sites of Bedouins, such as Damascus, Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Deira and Baghdad, here and there, one can often find horses of Arabian blood, mainly owned by traders who trade with the Bedouins. At the same time, these horses should be treated with caution, and this is applied, in particular, to horses, acquired in Baghdad. This is because in order to produce more impressive stature, Arabian studs are crossed with brood mares of uncertain origin. Such horses are bred in Baghdad specifically for the Indian market and are called “Baghdadi”. They are often sold with false or fake certificates.

The purpose of the first part of the stud book is to preserve in Russia, in all its integrity, a pureblood Arabian horse[9]. It should be saved in the same state in that it was brought up in the Syrian desert and in Arabia by the nomadic Bedouins Annazah and Shammar, who left Nadj. They nurtured their horses based on their own religious beliefs and living conditions. The preservation of a pureblood Arabian horse makes it possible to have a permanent source of the world’s only blood producers for the renewal and improvement of horse breeding in general[10].

It is desirable that in future the filling and acceptance of applications (with their verification) for the entry into the stud book of Arabian horses would be entrusted by the Main Managing Department of Horse Breeding to a person well familiar with the Bedouin horse breeding, both from literature and from personal experience during visits to the camping sites of the main Bedouin tribes Annazah, such as: Sebaa (Gomuss, Misrab and others), Fedhaan, Welled Ali, Roála and others.

Careful examination of all the provided evidence about pureblood of the horse and final decision on the entry in the Stud book and the part (I or II) to which the horse should be assigned, will depend on the assessment of the said person. In case of ambiguous conclusions, the opinion of another expert on Arabian horse breeding could be sought.

To provide guidance to the curator of the stud book attached herewith: a) definition of exactly what horses are considered to be blood Arabian, and also b) what information is required as evidence of proven blood origin. The necessity and significance of all documents presented in each individual case is left at the curator’s full discretion.

A. The following horses are considered to be horses of Arabian blood of exclusively Bedouin origin[11]:

1. Horses acquired directly from the above-mentioned Bedouins Annazah, Shammar (and their divisions and branches), and in Najd.

2. Acquired in areas adjacent to the camping sites of the above-mentioned nomadic tribes, for example, in Damascus, Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Deira, but born within these tribes.

3. Born or acquired from other tribes, besides those mentioned, for example, the allied to Annazah and Shammar, or from Bani-Sakhr, Huetat, and others; provided with undoubted evidence of their origin.

4. Definitely descending from the horses of the former farm of the Egyptian Viceroy Abbas Pasha I, which he passed over to Ali Pasha Sherif, who eventually sold it.

5. Born in areas adjacent to the nomadic Bedouins’ camping sites, but without any doubt, descending from Bedouins’ horses. For example, those born near Damascus, Homs, Aleppo and other cities, among local residents engaged in horse breeding.

6. Offspring, born in Russia to the horses of the above five categories.

7. Horses of Mr. W. Blunt’s horse breeding farms, namely: Sheikh Obeyd farm in Egypt and Crabbet Park farm in England. This is due to their definite origin from the Bedouins’ ancestors and quite “Arabian” approach to the horse breeding of the owner himself.

B. Information required as evidence of definite blood origin for horses to be included to the first part of the stud book

1. The following information is required from owners of horses acquired directly from Bedouins of Annazah or Shammar tribes: where exactly the horses were acquired; by whom and under what circumstances (year, time of year and location), who witnessed the procedure, and in what year they were brought to Russia. To which strain of the Arabian breed and to what branch of the given strain[12]. the horse belongs.

The information above is required for the right to be entered into the 1st part of the stud book.

After this is submitted, the following details are desirable: from what division of the main Bedouin tribes the horse was acquired, and in which division it was born, name of the Bedouin who sold it, his family name, the name of the tribe’s Sheikh and head Sheikh of the entire tribe, what strain and what branch of the strain was the horse’s sire from, what tribe he was kept in and what tribe he was born at.

2. From owners of horses which were acquired in areas listed in paragraph A. 2. or via second-hand and not directly from the Bedouins, besides the above mentioned information, it is also desirable to have undoubted evidence of blood[13]: how was the horse or its parents transferred from Bedouins, and from which Bedouins exactly, to the owner, from whom it is acquired, and who certified its blood origin.

Written pedigrees or certificates can be important, but only under the condition of meticulous verification by the person or persons who will be entrusted with the preparation of further volumes of the stud book.

Information about origins of the sire and the dam, as well as the other documents listed in paragraph B. 1. are even more desirable for horses of paragraph B.2.

3. For horses born within other nomadic tribes, besides the Annazah and Shammar tribes, it is necessary to know: which tribe, when and how the horse was acquired, the strain and branch of the strain to which the horse belongs, and the same information about the sire of the horse. It should also be indicated who of the local residents certified the testimony. In a view of the fact that there are Bedouin tribes which deliberately breed half-blood horses, the decision on the sufficiency of all the provided evidence of the blood will depend on the person appointed for this by the Department of State Horse Breeding.

4. For horses born in the farm originally owned by Abbas Pasha I, all the information indicated in paragraphs B. 1, 2 and 3 is desirable.

5. The same information is required for horses in A.5.

6. For horses born in Russia from imported horses of Bedouin origin, all the data on their parents, as indicated above, is required.

7. For horses born in the farms of Mr. W. Blunt, farm’s certificates (originals or copies) are required.

Due to the constant deception experienced by buyers of Arabian horses, who are not familiar or little familiar with Bedouin horse breeding and with local conditions, all information supplied by horse owners is thoroughly checked to determine the credibility of the testimony of persons from whom the horse was purchased.[14]

Review of Arabian horse breeding in Europe

In the strict sense of the word, pureblood Arabian horse[15] breeding in Europe did not exist until 1880. Currently, it has been established at four farms: 1) Mr. W. Blunt’s stud in England and in Russia, in the form of special groups 2) at Count S.А. Stroganov’s (С. А. Строганов) establishment, 3) at Derkulsky[16] State Farm (Деркульский Государственный Завод) and 4) at the farm of Prince A.G. Shcherbatov (князь А.Г. Щербатов).

An exclusively Eastern direction in horse breeding, as far as it is known, in Europe was pursued by only three following farms, which called their specialization “pureblood[17] Arabian”.

  1. The Royal Württemberg Stud of Weil and Scharnhausen, near Stuttgart.
  2. Royal Hungarian stud in Babolna.
  3. Khrestovetsky farm (Хрестовецкий завод) of the Prince Sanguszko (князья Сангусщко) in Slavuta (Славута).

Pureblood Arabian studs and brood mares were acquired by the Weil-Scharnhausen stud during the following periods:

  1. In 1814 and 1817, Baron von Fechtig brought from Damascus following stallions: “Emir”, “Mameluke”, dark bay “Tajar” and grey “Bairaktar” (two latter horses belonged to the strain of Seglawi-Jedran) and seven mares. “Bairaktar” served in the farm until 1838 and produced seven stallions and thirty-seven mares. His son “Amurat” served as a sire until 1850.
  2. In 1819, Count Rzhewuski (граф Ржевуцкий) brought 8 stallions and 20 mares directly from the Bedouins (“Khasfour”, “Elkond”, “Shakr”, “Muran”, “Jeyran” and “Abdullah”).
  3. In 1826, the English Consul Becker bought in Aleppo for the farm red stallion “Seglawi” and grey mare “Kaaba”.
  4. In 1852, Stablemeister von-Hugel brought from Egypt, from the Abbas-Pasha farm, the stallion “Hedban” and two grey mares “Kahaylet-Ajus” and “Seglawi”.
  5. In 1858 the son of Abbas-Pasha, Hami Pasha, presented to the Scharnhausen farm the grey stallion “El-Hami”.
  6. In 1861, Stablemeister von Hügel bought at an auction in Cairo from the former Abbas Pasha’s farm stallions “Gadir”, “Sadhan” and mares “Dagkhma”, “Dakheba” and “Moregia”.

In 1899, according to information provided by Mr. Franzheir, there were three stallions in the so-called blood department of the farm: 1) “Dodri”, produced at the farm, 2) “Jay-lan” imported from Constantinople and 3) “Suakim” imported from Arabia, and 10 brood mares.

At various times, the following number of pureblood Arabian studs and brood mares came to the Royal Hungarian Horse Breeding Farm in Babolna:

  1. In 1836, Major Baron Eduard Herbert brought 9 stallions and 5 mares from the neighborhood of Aleppo and Damascus.
  2. In 1852, Major von Götschlig brought 6 stallions and 4 mares from Syria.
  3. In 1858, Colonel Bruderman brought 14 stallions and 32 mares, which were acquired by him in person, mainly at the camping sites of Bedouins from Welled-Ali, Roala, Bani Sakhr and Sebaa tribes.

The opinion of Colonel Bruderman about the situation with the Arabian department at the Babolna farm has been documented in the form of a note in which he reproaches the management of the farm for their consistent deviation from the pureblood direction.

In 1870, the military department handed the Babolna farm over to the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, which summoned a commission to screen and dispose of all the material that did not have a pure Eastern direction.

To refresh the blood, in 1876 Count Franz von Zichy brought 9 stallions from Syria. In 1885 the horse breeding management’s secretary, N. Lutsenbacher brought another 4 stallions and 5 mares.

In 1895, in the so-called pureblood Arabian ward of the farm, there were 33 mares and the following stallions: “Obeyan”, “Gazlan I”, “Shagya XI”, “Genghis Khan”, “Gazlan II”, “Gazlan Shagya” and “Seglawi II”.

The Prince Sanguszko’s Khrestovetsky farm (Хрестовецкий завод князей Сангусщко) was founded in 1506. At this farm, for the first time, horses were imported from Syria in 1798. Thereafter, producers were imported from the East on numerous occasions, but very often without certificates of the purity of their Bedouin origin. Currently there are 8 stallions at the Sanguszko’s farm: “Rueli”(Руэли), “Seglawi-Jedran” (Сеглауи-Джедран), “Antar” (Антар), “Abu-Argub” (Абу-Аргуб), “Seglawi-Masiad” (Сеглауи-Масиад), “Dervish” (Дервиш) – all imported, “Yussuf” (Юссуф) from Babolna and “Mazepa” (Мазепа) sired at the farm, and 57 mares.

According to the owner himself, there is not a single horse at the farm that descends exclusively from horses imported from Arabia (i.e., not only from an imported sire, but also from an imported brood mare), although it can be proven that all their horses have from 66% to 85% of pure Arabian blood.

However, what can be said about the Khrestovetsky farm (Христовецкий завод), in Prince [R.V.] Sanguszko’s (князь [Р.В.] Сангусщко) opinion, can be also fully applied to other farms of Arabian horses.

In addition to the said horse breeding farms, pureblood Arabians were purchased for the Royal Prussian Farm in Neustadt on Dosse and the French Stud Farm Pompadour, but at both these farms the horses were used for half-blood[18] work.

In general, it should be admitted that before Mr. W. Blunt, who founded his farm at Crabbet Park (England) in 1878, pureblood Arabian horse breeding in Europe did not exist. This is because the Arab Bedouins’ horse breeding was not studied enough at the time, and under the name of Arabian horses the European farms were accepting all kinds of horses purchased in the East, as soon as they had a distinctive type. Prior to Mr. Blunt, Colonel Bruderman was the only one who paid attention to the Bedouin’s horse breeding, but, unfortunately, he did not have time to bring his beliefs to life in the management of the Babolna farm.

The underlying principles of Mr. Blunt’s horse breeding farm in Crabbet Park Stud are.

  1. To preserve the Arabian horse from any outcrossing with the English Thoroughbred[19] or any other breed, as well as from mixing with any of the dubious oriental elements.
  2. To employ in the farm stallions of only the most selective bloods, which the tribes of Arabia, most known for their horses, would choose for their brood mares.
  3. Do not get carried away, under no circumstances, by the desire to increase the height of offspring above the normal height of imported Arabians through the selection process or more nutritious feeding. The normal height of imported Arabians should be considered approximately from 2 arshines 1.5 inches to 2 arshines 2 inches[20].
  4. Exclude all horses that don’t fit into the Arabian type, whatever their other individual qualities are, since the goal of the Stud is not to improve the composition, according to the European concepts, but to preserve the Arabian horse in a state it existed in since time ancient times in its homeland. This is despite that now it has begun to decline there, due to changes in its living conditions.

Mr. Blunt’s leading sire is currently “Mesaoud,” and there are about 30 brood mares at the stud.

The farm of Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов), near the station Mineralnye Vody[21], was founded in 1889. At its establishment, there was a dual purpose: 1) the breeding of Arabian horses of undoubted origin and 2) the improvement of the Kabardin breed[22] (Кабардинская порода) with help of Arabian blood lines.

In 1899, there were 9 stallions and 21 brood mares in the pureblood group, and in total there were 66 horses.

This year, at the Derkulsky stud farm, the group of Arabian horses of Bedouin origin[23] was established, consisting of 2 stallions and 9 brood mares.

At Prince Shcherbatov’s (князь Щербатов) farm, at Maryevka village, Voronezh province, there are 3 imported stallions and 4 mares of Bedouin origin. The plan is to keep their breed completely clean of any outcrossing.

The equine profiles of the Arabian departments of Count Stroganov’s (графа Строганова), Derkulsky (Деркульский) and Prince Shcherbatov’s (принца Щербатова) farms are included in this book.

Part I.

Pureblood Arabian stallions – producers of exclusively Bedouin origin

Abeyan (Абейан)

Born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1892. Grey stallion from Abeyan Sherrak strain. Height – 2 arshins 2 ¾ inches (vershka). From “Tamri” (imported) and “Anaze” (imported).

Abeyan-Sherrak (Абейан-Шеррак)

Bay, with star on forehead, he has white oblong spot between nostrils, closer to right nostril. White spot on the lip under right nostril. Legs: front – right with fetlock joint, left is white up to fetlock, rear – right leg is white up to fetlock on the outside, white above fetlock on inside. Born is 1896, height 2 arshins, 3 inches. Bought in 1901 in Hama, Syria, from Dervish Aga-Barazi, who in turn bought him from Gomussa tribe from Sebaa. His dam, red mare of Abeyan-Sherrak strain, belonged to Suleyman Camdan. His sire was of Kehaylan-Heyfi strain, who’s dam was a red mare from Kekhaylan-Heyfi strain, and belonged to Bedouin Mukhireb Vasso from Utera tribe, from Moadja Sebaa. Purchased for Derkulsky stud by Colonel Zdanovich[24] (Зданович) in 1901. Serves as a sire in the said stud, in the Arabian department.

Arnab (Арнаб)

Born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1893. Bay stallion of Abeyan Sherrak strain. Parents: “Emir el-Arab” (imported) and “Anaze” (imported). Height 2 arshins 3 and 7/8 inches.

Ashgar (Ашгар)

Born at Count C.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1891. Grey stallion of Abeyan Sherrak strain. Height 2 arshins 4 ¾ inches. Parents: “Emir el-Arab” (imported) and “Anaze” (imported).

Bedouin (Бедуин)

Born at Count C.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1890. Grey stallion of Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Height 2 arshins 3 inches. Parents: “Emir el-Arab” (imported) and “Beduinka I” (imported).

Bulat+ (Булат+)

Belonged to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). Of Kehailan Adjus strain. Grey stallion, imported, born in 1885 in Arabia. Height 2 arshins 2 ¼ inches. Sire of Manegi Ibn-Sbeiel strain. Purchased personally by Count C.A. Stroganov in Deir on Euphrates from Bedouin of Gomussa tribe (from el-Cebaa Anaze) and brought to Russia in 1888. Died in 1902.

Garun El-Rashid (Гарун Эл-Рашид)

Born at Count C.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1893. Grey stallion of Kehaylan Ras-el-Fedauee strain. Height 2 arshins 3 inches. Parents: “Emir el-Arab” (imported) and “Gazel” (imported).

Dagkhman (Дагхман)

State Derkulskiy farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). Both parents belonged to Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Bay stallion, imported; height 2 arshins 1 3/8 inches. Born in Arabia in 1895 at Bedouin Jeral Ibn-Tuerish from Gomussa tribe (from Sebaa Anaze). The latter sold it to Aga-ed-Diun, mufti of Hama. Purchased for Department of State Horse Breeding personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in 1990 from Aga-ed-Din in the town of Hama.

El-Kader (Эл-Кадер)

Born at Prince A.G. Shcherbatov’s (принц А.Г. Щербатов) farm. Of Kehaylan-Suetee strain. White stallion, imported, height 2 arshins 2 ½ inches. Born in Arabia in 1882 at Bedouin Mis’ar Ibn-Moadjil of Ashadjaa tribe (from Roal Anaze). The said Bedouin sold the horse to Ahmet Pasha Shaaman in Damascus where it served as a sire for Roala tribe. Sire of Manegi Ibn-Sbeiyel strain. Purchased by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in person in Damascus and brought to Russia in 1888.

Naaman (Нааман)

From the State Derkulsky farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). From Kehaylan Dadjani strain. Bay stallion; height 2 arshins 2 ½ inches. The horse was born in 1897 at Mr. W. Blunt’s farm in England. The sire is “Mesaud”, red stallion imported to England by Mr. W. Blunt. The sire is of Seglawi Jedran strain of Ibn-Sudan family, born in 1887 at Ali Pasha Sherif’s farm in Cairo from “Aziz” (red stallion of Daghman Shagkhuan strain) and “Iemama” (grey mare of Seglawiei Jedraniei*, from Ibn-Sudan family of Roala tribe (from Anaze). “Aziz” and “Iemama” were born at Ali Pasha Sherif’s farm and descended from mares imported from Arabia to Egypt by Abbas Pasha I, Viceroy of Egypt. Dam is “Nefisa” (bay mare, born in England in 1885 at Mr. Blunt’s farm). Of Kehaylan Dadjani strain. From “Khadban” (bay stallion, imported, of Khadban Enzekkhi strain of Oteibi tribe. Purchased from Jakin Ibn Agil, who was Sheikh of Daadjini tribe (from Oteibey) by Sheikh Ali Ibn-Amr from Bussor city and brought to Bombay in 1883. It was bought by Mr. Blunt in Bombay in the same year. “Nefisa’s” dam “Dadjania”, of Kehaylan Dadjani strain, born at Mohammed Pasha near Aleppo. Parents – stallion of Kehaylan Noguag strain and dam of Kehaylan Dadjani strain, from Sebaa Anaze tribe.“Naaman” was purchased for the State Horse breeding Department by Colonel Zdanovich from Mr. W. Blunt in England in 1899.

Saud (Сауд)

Born at Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов) in 1894. Bay stallion of Kekhaylan Djellala strain. From “Tamri” (imported) and “Saeeda” (imported).

Sotamm El-Kreish (Сотамм Эл-Крейш)

Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). His sire and dam are both of Seglawi Djedran strain. Grey stallion, imported, height 2 arshins 2 inches. Born in Arabia in 1883 at Sotamm El-Kreish’s who was the Sheikh of Bedouin tribe Beni Sakhr. The sire was grey, the dam was black. Purchased personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Damascus and brought to Russia in 1888.

Tamri+ (Тамри+)

Belonged to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). From Kekhaylan-Tamri strain. Grey stallion, imported; height 2 arshins 1 ½ inches. Born in northern Nadj at Mohammed Ibn-Rashid’s who was Emir of Jabal-Shommar (with capital in Hayil city). Taken from the Emir by Bedouins of Anaze during war actions in 1889. Brought to Russia for Count S.A. Stroganov in 1890 from Arabia by Sheikh Nasr Ibn-Abdalla. Died in 1899.

Faris+ (Фарис+)

The horse belonged to Prince A.G. Shcherbatov (князь А.Г. Щербатов). From Abeyan Sherrak strain, from Gkhenedish family (of Selga Shommar). Pebble grey stallion, imported, height 2 arshins 2 ¼ inches. Born in 1886 in Mesopotamia, and Bedouin tribe Feddara (of Shommar). Sire: red stallion from Kekhaylan Ras-el-Fedauee strain. Purchased personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in Deir on Euphrates from Bedouin of Feddara tribe (of Shommar) and brought to Russia in 1888. Died in 1902.

Khamad (Хамад)

The horse belongs to Prince A.G. Shcherbatov (князь А.Г. Щербатов). From Kekhaylan Tamri strain. Bay stallion, imported; height 2 arshins 2 inches. Born in 1896 in Arabia at Bedouin Khamad Ibn-Nkheiba of Gomussa tribe (from Sebaa Anaze). Sire: bay stallion of Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain, who belonged to Bedouin Ibn-Djnedan of Ibn-Khaddal tribe (from Anaze). Dam: grey mare of Kekhaylan Tamri strain. “Khamad” served as a sire from 1899 for Gomussa, Fedhaan and other Anaze tribes. Purchased personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in Syrian desert in 1900 from the said Khamad Ibn-Nkheiba. Brought to Russia in 1900.

Khassan (Хассан)

The horse belongs to V.P. Glebov (В.П. Глебов). From Khamdani Simri strain. Bay stallion, height 2 arshins 2 ½ inches. Born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s farm in 1896 from “Sherrak” (imported) and “Khamra” (imported).

Shatyor (Шатёр)

The horse belongs to V.P. Glebov (В.П. Глебов). From Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Red stallion, born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s farm in 1895 from “Emir el-Arab” (imported) and “Shagra” (imported).

Sherrak (Шеррак)

The horse belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). From Abeyan Sherrak strain of Abu Djereys family. Grey stallion, imported; height 2 arshins 2 ¼ inches. Born in Arabia in 1885. Brought from Arabia to Russia for Count C.A. Stroganov in 1890 by Sheikh Nasr Ibn-Abdalla.

Sheikh (Шейх)

The horse belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). From Manegi Lagra strain. Grey stallion, imported. Born in Arabia in 1886. Sire: from Kekhaylan Adjus strain. Purchase personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Tudmur region from Bedouin of Gomussa tribe (from Sebaa Anaze) and brought to Russia in 1888.

Emir-El-Arab+ (Эмир-Эл-Араб+)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф Строганов). From Kekhaylan-el-Krush strain, from family of Ibn-Saud, Emir of Nadj. Golden red stallion, imported, height 2 arshins 2 /4 inches. Born in Arabia in 1883 at Mohammed Dugkhi Ibn-Smeyr, Sheikh of Bedouin tribe Uelled Ali (of Anaze). Sire: red stallion of Abeyan Sherrak strain of Abu Djereys family, was brought from Arabia to Russia. “Emir-el-Arab” was purchased personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Damascus in 1888 and brought to Russia. While in Damascus, it served as a sire for Uelled Ali tribe. Died in 1900.

Pureblood Arabian brood mares of exclusively Bedouin origin with their offspring

Abba (Абба)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1897. From Abeyan Sherrak strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 2 3/8 inches. From Sherrak (imported) and Anaze (imported).

1902 – grey filly from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Died in 1902[25].

Adua (Адуа)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1896. From Abeyan Sherrak strain. Red-grey mare, height 2 arshins 2 ¼ inches. From Sherrak (imported) and Anaze (imported).

1900 – red-grey filly “Veldee” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belonged to S.S. Stroganov[26]. Died in 1902.

1901 – red-grey colt from “Emir el-Arab”.

1902 – grey colt from “Sottam el-Kreysh”.

Akra (Акра)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1896. From Seglawi Djedran strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 1 ¼ inches. From “Sottam el-Kreysh” (imported) and “Arabka[27]” (imported).

Without foal from “Sherrak” in 1900.

1901 – grey filly from “Emir el-Arab”.

1902 – grey filly from “Bulat”.

Aliyya (Алийя)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1895. From Abeyan Sherrak strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 2 ½ inches. From “Sherrak” (imported) and “Anaze” (imported).

1899 – grey colt “Azrak” from “Sottam el-Kreysh” (owned by Count S.A. Stroganov).

1900 – grey colt “Aleyknoor” from “Sottam el-Kreysh” (owned by Count S.A. Stroganov).

1901 – without foal.

1902 – bay colt from “Bulat”.

Anaze (Аназе)

The horse belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). From Abeyan Sherrak strain. Grey mare, imported, born in Arabia in 1877. Height 2 arshins 2 inches. Sire: white stallion of Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Purchased personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Deir on Euphrates and brought to Russia in 1888.

1889 – bay filly “Ayala” from white stallion in Arabia, of Kekhaylan Akkhras strain. Died in 1893.

1890 – red filly “Abeyeh” from “Emir el-Arab”. Died in 1895. The filly belonged to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1891 – grey colt “Ashgar” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1892 – grey colt “Abeyan” from “Tamri”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1893 – bay colt “Arnad” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1895 – grey filly “Aliyya” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1896 – grey filly “Adua” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1897 – grey filly “Abba” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – grey filly “Aradda” from “Sottam el-Kreish”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

While in Arabia, this horse foaled 5 times, and once had twins. She was without foal from “Emir el-Arab” in 1894; lost a foal from “Sherrak” in 1898. Was not used after 1899.

Arabka (Арабка)

The horse belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). Both parents are from Seglawi Djedran strain. Grey mare, imported, born in Arabia in 1886. The horse was purchased personally by Count S.A. Stroganov at Bedouins’ camping site in Syrian desert in 1888.

1894 – grey filly “Atva” from “Bulat”. Died in 1898.

1896 – grey filly “Akra” from “Sottam al-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1898 – grey filly “Seglawiya” from “Sottam al-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – grey filly “Ajkhara” from “Sottam al-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1900 – grey filly “Djedraniya” from “Sottam al-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from “Sottam el-Kreysh” in 1895; stillborn foal from “Sottam el-Kreysh” in 1897.

1901 – with foal.

1902 – grey filly from “Arnab”.

Bayda (Байда)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1895. From Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 1 ¾ inches. From “Tamri” (imported) and “Bedouinka[28] I” (imported).

1900 – grey filly “Daruba” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – without foal from “Emir el-Arab”.

1901 – was not used.

Bedouinka I+ (Бедуинка I+)

The horse belonged to Count S.A. Strtoganov (граф С.А. Строганов). From Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. White mare, imported, born in 1878 at Turkish Yüz -basha[29] in Deir on Euphrates. Height 2 arshins 7/8 inches. Dam: red mare, was taken by Yuz-basha during attack from Bedouin of Mekhed tribe (of Fedhaan Anaze) serving to Sheikh Gedaan, “Akiid”[30] of all Anaze. Sire: bay stallion of Khamdani Simree strain. The horse was purchased personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Deir from Yuz-basha in 1888.

1889 – bay filly “Beddouinka II” from black stallion in Arabia, of Dagkhman Umm-Amr sub-strain. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1890 – grey colt “Bedouin” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Strtoganov.

1893 – grey filly “Bendukiya” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to M.A. Lyshchinskiy.

1895 – grey filly “Bayda” from “Tamri”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

The mare has foiled twice in Arabia. Without foal: from “Emir” in 1891; from “Sottam el-Kreysh” in 1892; from “Sherrak” in 1894 and 1897; from “Tamri” in 1896; from “Ashgar” in 1898. Died in 1898.

Bedouinka II (Бедуинка I I)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1889. From Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Bay mare, height 2 arshins 2 inches. Sire: black stallion in Arabia, from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Dam: “Bedouinka I” (imported).

1895 – bay filly “Dadjiya” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1896 – bay colt “Damask” form “Emir el-Arab”. Sold to community stations of Akhtyr and Kuban province.

1897 – grey filly “Djedda” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1898 – grey filly “Dakhabiya” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – grey filly “Darika” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1900 – bay colt “Djerud” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from “Bulat” in 1894.

1901 – grey filly from “Sottam el-Kreysh”.

1902 – grey filly from “Sottam el-Kreysh”.

Gazel (Газель)

The horse belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov граф С.А. Строганов). From Kekhaylan Ras-el-Fedauee strain. Grey mare, imported, height 2 arshins 7/8 inches. Born in 1885 at Meshkhur Ibn-Mershid, Sheikh of Bedouin tribe Gomussa (of Sebaa Anaze). Sire: red stallion from Samkhan el-Gomeaa strain. The mare was purchased personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Syrian desert in 1888.

1892 – grey filly “Gomussa” from “Tamri”. Belongs to Prince A.G. Shcherbatov.

1893 – grey colt “Garun el-Rashid” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1895 – grey filly “Gize” from “Tamri”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1897 – grey filly from “Tamri”. Died in 1897.

1899 – grey colt “Gitrif” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal: from “Emir el-Arab” in 1894; from “Sherrak” in 1896 and 1898; from “Sottam el-Kreysh” in 1900.

Gize (Гизе)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1895. From Kekhaylan Ras-el-Fedauee strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 2 ½ inches. From “Tamri” (imported) and “Gazel’” (imported).

1900 – red colt from “Sherrak”. Died in 1900.

Aborted from “Sherrak” in 1898.

1901 – red-grey filly from “Emir”.

1902 – red-grey filly from “Arnab”.

Gomussa (Гомусса)

The horse belongs to Prince A.G. Shcherbatov (князь А.Г. Щербатов). From Kehaylan Ras-el-Fedawi strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 2 inches. It was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s farm in 1892 from “Tamri” (imported) and “Gazel’” (imported). Died in 1902.

1900 – grey colt “Gedan” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1901 – grey colt “Gadir” from “el-Kader”. Belongs to Prince A.G. Shcherbatov.

Gkhazu + (Гхазу+)

The horse belonged to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). From Saadan Togan strain. White mare, imported, height 2 arshins 7/8 inches. Born in Arabia in 1879 or 1880. Sire: from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. The horse was purchased personally by S.A. Stroganov in Syrian desert in 1888 from Bedouin of Mesekkha tribe (of Sebaa Anaze) and brought to Russia.

1891 – grey filly “Roala” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to S.Yu. Yagmin.

1892- grey colt “Gkhali” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1893 – grey filly “Zarka” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Died in 1896.

1894 – grey colt “Fayad” from Sottam el-Kreysh”. Community station, Crimea, Kuban province.

1895 – red filly “Zarifa” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1897 – grey colt “Gkhazi” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – grey filly “Gurra” from “Ashgar”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal: from grey stallion in Arabia, from Kekhaylan Khouga strain, in 1889; from “Sherrak” in 1898. Stillborn foal in 1896 from “Sherrak”. Was not used for breeding after 1899. Died in 1902.

Deyrskaya (Дейрская)

The horse belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov (граф С.А. Строганов). From Seglawi Ardjebi strain, of el-Abd family. Bay mare, imported, height 2 arshins 1 ½ inches. The horse was born in Mesopotamia in 1895 at Ramadan Ibn-Abdalla Sleman’s, son of the Sheikh of Bedouin tribe Abu Seray (from Agkhedaat). Dam: bay, granddam grey. Sire: while stallion from Kekhaylan Kheyfi strain; initially was in Agkhedaat tribe, but later was taken and expropriated by Kurd in Diyarbakir, namely Ibrahim Pasha. The horse was purchased personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in 1900 in Deira on Euphrates from Bedouin Ramadan Ibn-Abdalla Sleman and brought to Russia.

1900 – red colt “Deir” from a stallion in Arabia, from Rishan Sherabistrain, which was born at in Anaze tribe, and purchased from them by Bedouin Talab Ibn-Djeiman from Fedhaan tribe (of Anaze), from whom he went to Baggara tribe. The horse (“Deir”) belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

The mare has foiled in Arabia in 1899 with a colt.

1901 – aborted.

1902 – aborted from “Sherrak”.

Djeneyna (Дженейна)

The horse belongs to the State Derkulskiy farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). From Manegi Khedrudj strain. Bay mare, born in 1892 at Mr. Blunt’s farm in England. Sire: “Azrak”- grey stallion from Seglawi Djedran strain; born in 1881 at the court of Sheikh Maskhlab Ibn-ed-Derri, of Ressalin tribe (from Sebaa Anaze); purchased from the latter by Mr. Blunt in 1887 and brought to England in 1888. Dam: “Djerboa”- bay mare of Manegi Khedrudj strain; born in Obeyd tribe in Mesopotamia from sire of Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel sub-strain. “Djerboa” was purchased by Mr. W. Blunt in 1878 from Otkhman el-Abd, Bedouin of Obeyd tribe, in Deira on Euphrates, and brought to England. “Djeneyna” was purchased in 1900 by Colonel Zdanovich (Зданович) from Mr. Blunt at Crabbet Park.

The mare has foaled in England in 1895 with colt “Djokhar”, in 1896 with filly “Djemeiza”, in 1897 with colt “Djebel Tur”, in 1898 with a filly.

1900 – aborted.

1901 – covered.

1902 – red-grey colt “El-Rashid” from “El-Kader”.

Djerifa (Джерифа)

The horse belongs to Prince A.G. Shcherbatov (князь А.Г. Щербатов). From Saadan Togan strain. Red mare, imported, height 2 arshins 2 ¼ inches. The horse was born in 1895 in Mesopotamia, at Bedouin Yedjaefee Ibn-Sakhu ‘s of Agkhedaat tribe. Sire: stallion of Abeyan Sherrak strain from Bedouin tribe Moadja (of Sebaa Anaze). Dam: bought by Ibn-Sakhu from Bedouin from Saekkh tribe (of Shammar) in 1892. “Djerifa” was purchased personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in 1900 in Deira on Euphrates, from Bedouin Yedjaefee Ibn-Sakhu and brought to Russia.

1899 – colt from stallion of Rishan Sherabi strain in Arabia.

1901 – without foal from “Khamad”.

1902 – aborted from “El-Kader”.

Djilfey (Джилфей)

The horse belongs to the State Derkulskiy Farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). She is from Djilfan Stam el-Bulad strain. Pebble white mare, imported, height 2 arshins 1 inch. Born in Mesopotamia in 1895 at Bedouin Muhammed Ibn-Ali from Agkhedaat tribe, where her dam, granddam and great-granddam were born too. Sire: grey stallion of Samkhan el-Gomeaa sub-strain, belonged to Kurd Ibrahim Pasha from Diyarbakır. Purchased personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in Deir on Euphrates in 1900 from Muhammed Ibn-Ali and brought to Russia.

1900 – colt in Arabia.

1901 – covered.

1902 – bay filly “Delila” from “Dagkhman”.

Didjley (Диджлей)

The horse belongs to the State Derkulskiy Farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). From Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Dark bay mare, imported, born in 1889 at Mr. Blunt’s farm in England and bought by Colonel Zdanovich in 1899. Sire: “Ashgar”, red stallion, imported, from Seglawi Obeyran strain. Purchased by Mr. Blunt in Deir on Euphrates in 1887, born in 1883 from stallion of Abeyan Sherrak strain and from mare of Seglawi Obeyran strain from Bedouin tribe Saekkh (of Shommar) in Mesopotamia. Dam: “Dagkhna”, red mare from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Born at Crabbet Park (Mr. Blunt’s famr) from “Kars”, imported bay stallion of Seglawi Djedran strain, with family Ibn-Sbene of Mekhed tribe (of Fedhaan Anaze). Purchased by Mr. Blunt near Aleppo and brought to England in 1878. “Dagkhna’s” dam – mare “Dagkhma”, bay mare, imported, from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Born at Bedouin Ibn-Khemsi‘s from Gomussa tribe (of Sebaa Anaze). The latter sold her to Bedouin Ueynan Ibn-Said, from Gomussa. “Dagkhma’s” sire: stallion of Abeyan Sherrak strain was at Gomussa Bedouins. “Dagkhma” was purchased by Mr. W. Blunt from Ueinan Ibn-Said in 1881.

The mare (“Didjley”) has foiled with a colt in England in 1898; without foal in 1900.

1900 – covered by “Antar”.

1901 – see page 129.

1902 – without foal.

Dinarzadeh (Динарзадэ)

The horse belongs to the State Derkulskiy Farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). Both the sire and the dam from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Bay mare, born in 1887 at Mr. W. Blunt’s farm in England. Purchased from him by Colonel Zdanovich in 1899. Sire “Rataplan” bay stallion, imported, from Dagkhman Umm-Amr, was with Ibn-Khemsi family. Bought by Mr. Blunt in Bombay from Abdalla Rakhman Minni. Dam “Dagkhna” from Dagkhmey Umm-Amr strain (see “Didjley” pedigree for details).

1900 – aborted.

1901 – covered.

1902 – bay filly “Djami” from “Dagkhman”.

Zareefah (Зарифа)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1895. Saadan Togan strain. Red mare, height 2 arshins 2 7/8 inches. From “Sherrak” (imported) and “Gkhazu” (imported).

1900 – red colt “Zareef” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1901 – red filly from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1902 – grey filly from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Kekhayley (Кехайлей)

State Derkulskiy Farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). Kekhaylan Adjus strain. Bay mare imported, born in 1893. In 1895 was secretly bought by Akhmet Beg (citizen of Hama town) and Bedouin Simran from Kkhrissa tribe (of Fedhaan Anazeh) from Bedouin Jaetnee from Abadat tribe (of Sebaa Anaze). Sire of Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Bought personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in Hama city from Akhmet Beg in 1900 and imported to Russia.

Covered on the 20th of April by stallion of Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain in Hama city.

1901 – covered.

1902 – red colt “Dervish” from “Dagkhman”.

Latifa+ (Латифа+)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Kekhaylan Sherif strain. White mare imported, height 2 arshins 2 inches. Born in 1883 in Bedouin tribe Shommar in Mesopotamia. Bought personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Damascus in 1895 and imported to Russia.

1897 – grey filly “Leyla” by “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1898 – red filly “Lagra” by “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – grey colt “Litan” from”Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Did not get foal from “Sheikh” in 1896, from “Sottam el-Kreysh” in 1900.

1901 – grey colt from “Emir el-Arab”.

Died in 1902.

Leyla (Лэйла)

Born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1897. From Kekhaylan Sherif strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 2 inches. From “Sherrak” imported and “Latifa” imported.

1902 – grey colt from “Sottam el-Kreysh”.

Makbula+ (Макбула+)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). White mare. From Kekhaylan Djellabee strain. Height 2 arshins 1 ½ inches. Born in 1886 in Cairo at Ali-Pasha-Sherif’s farm. Purchased from him by Mr. Blunt in 1896 and brought to England in 1898. Dam “Makbula” red mare from Kekhaylan Djellabee strain, born at Ali-Pasha-Sherif’s in Cairo from “Shueyman” white stallion from Shueyman Sebaa strain (born at Ali-Pasha-Sherif’s in Cairo and descends from sire and dam’s lines from the horses of Egyptian viceroy Abbas Pasha I) and “Bint-Bint Djellabiet Feyzul”, i.e. granddaughter of mare called “Djellabiet Feyzul”. “Djellabiet Feyzul” herself was from Kekhaylan Djellabee strain and belonged to Feyzul Ibn-Turki, who was Emir of Riad in Nadj. Feyzul purchased the mare from Ibn-Khaleef, Sheikh of Bahrein. From Feyzul the mare went to Abbas-Pasha I. Sire: “Uazeer” white stallion from Seglawi Djedran strain, born at Ali-Pasha-Sherif’s farm in Cairo (where he won many races) from “Zobeynee” white stallion from Seglawi Djedran strain (descending from horses, purchased by Abbas Pasha I from Bedouins of Ibn-Sbenee family of Mekhed branch, Fedhaan-Anaze tribe) and “Gkhazie” white mare from Seglawi Djedran strain descending from mare “Seglawia Djedrania”. The latter was purchased by Abbas Pasha I from Bedouins of Ibn-Sudan family, of Roala-Anaze tribe. “Makbula” was brought to Russia in 1900. Died in 1901.

Manua (Мануа)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Abeyan sherrak strain. Bay mare imported. Born in 1891 at Hajji Mohammed Khudur, mugkhtar of Babaa Amur village, near Homsa. Sire bay stallion from Khadban Yenzekkhi strain, born at Gomussa’s Bedouin (of Sebaa Anaze) and was sold by the said Bedouin to Fellakh Ibrahim Aga from Ashaee tribe in northern Syria. Dam – bay mare from Abeyan Sherrak strain, purchased by Hajji Mohammed Khudur in 1882 from Bedouin Uakhadj Ibn-Suan from Moadja tribe (of Sebaa Anaze); its sire was from Kekhaylan Adjus strain. Purchased personally by Prince A.G.Scherbatov in Homsa city in 1900 from Hajji Mohammed Khudur and imported to Russia.

While in Arabia, she foaled twice. 1900 covered by grey stallion from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain in Homsa. The stallion was born in Bedouin tribe Gomussa (of Sebaa Anaze) and bought from them by Ibn-Faras, who lived in Homsa.

1901 – bay filly from stallion from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain, in Arabia.

1902 – grey filly from “Sherrak”.

Nuri (Нури)

Prince A.G. Scherbatov’s. From Kekhaylan Adjus strain. Bay-brown mare imported, born in Arabia in 1897 at Bedouin Fad’auz, son of Sheikh Ibn-Maadjil, Ashadjaa tribe from Roala Anazeh. Sire bay stallion, Kekhaylan Tamri strain, born at Bedouin Fedhaan tribe (of Anaze) and sold to Homs citizen. Dam – bay mare, Kekhaylan Adjus strain, born at Fad’auz. Bought personally by Prince A.G. Scherbatov in Syrian Desert at camping site of Roala Bedouins in 1900, from Bedouin Fad’auz and imported to Russia.

Oteyba (Отейба)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Manegi Khedrudj strain. White mare imported. Born in 1891 in Arabia at Bedouin Dopaan’s from Ashadjaa tribe (of Roala Anaze). Sire grey stallion from Seglawi Djedran strain, lived with Ashadjaa tribe. Dam white mare, born at Dopaan’s. Purchased personally by Prince Shcherbatov in 1900 in Syrian desert at Roala Bedouin’s camping site from Bedouin Dopaan.

1902 – grey filly from “Sherrak”.

Rashida (Рашида)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1897. From Abeyan Sherrak strain, Abu Djereys family. Grey mare from “Emir el-Aab” imported and “Reekha” imported.

1902 – grey colt from “Sottam el-Kreysh”.

Reekha (Риха)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Abeyan Sherrak strain, Abu Djereys family. Grey mare imported, height 2 arshins 1 ¾ inches. Born in 1890 in Arabia. Bought personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Damascus in 1895 and imported to Russia.

1895 – grey colt “Arabchik” from grey stallion in Arabia, form Kekhaylan Abu Djenub strain. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1897 – grey filly “Rashida” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1898 – bay-brown filly “Ramleh” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – grey colt “Rasul” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1900 – grey filly “Rodana” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Died in 1902. Belonged to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from “Sheikh” in 1896.

1901 – red filly from “Emir el-Arab”.

1902 – grey filly from “Arnab”.

Saadey (Саадей)

State Derkulskiy Farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). From Saadan Togan strain. White mare imported. Born in Arabia in 1892. Sire from Kekhaylan Adjus strain. Taken by Turkish ****[31] zaptiei in Deir, Abdulla el-Khamud en-Naef from Mankhal el-Azar, Sheikh of el-Baydj tribe in Nadj. Purchased personally by Prince A.G.Shcherbatov in Deir on Euphrates in 1900 from Abdalla el-Khamud and imported to Russia.

1900 – covered by “Sem-Khan”.

1901 – without foal.

1902 – red-grey filly “Elvira” from “El-Kader”.

Saeeda (Саида)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Kekhaylan Djellala strain. Red mare imported, height 2 arshins 1 ½ inches. Born in Arabia in 1884 at Bedouin’s of Misrab tribe (of Sebaa Anaze). Sire from Seglawi Djedran strain. Purchased personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in Syrian desert in 1888, at camping site of Misrab Bedouins and brought to Russia.

1891 – grey colt “Saeed” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1894 – bay colt “Saud” from “Tamri”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1895 – red filly “Samura” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1896 – red filly “Syria” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1898 – bay colt “Suleyman” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belonged to Count S.A. Stroganov. Sold in 1902 to Ya.A. Pekhovskiy[32].

1899 – red filly “Sekkina” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1897 – red colt “Sirkhan” from “Sherrsak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from grey stallion in Arabia, from Seglawi Djedran strain in 1889; from “Tamri” in 1892; stillborn from “Tamri” in 1893; aborted from “Sherrak” in 1897.

1901 – bay colt from “Abeyan”.

1902 – without foal from “Sottam el-Kreysh”.

Samura (Самура)

Born at Aount S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1895. From Kekhaylan Djelgala strain. Red mare, height 2 arshins 1 ¾ inches. From “Emir el-Arab” imported and “Sanda” imported.

1900 – red colt “Kariteyn” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1901 – without foal.

1902 – red-grey colt from “Sottam el-Kreysh”.

Seglawiey (Сеглауией)

State Derkulskiy Farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). From Seglawi Djedran strain, was with Ibn-Sbeni family, from Mekhed tribe (of Fedhaan Anaze). Grey mare imported. Born in 1894 at Bedouin family Ibn-Seni. From those bought in 1896 by citizen of Hama Abd-el-Kader el-Abdula. Sire from Kekhaylan Abu-Djenub strain. Bought personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in 1900 in Hama town form Abd-el-Kader and imported to Russia.

1900 – bay colt “Meteelen” from stallion in Hama town, form Seglawi Djedran sub-strain. Died in 1900.

1901 – covered.

1902 – red-grey filly “Nadide” from “Naaman”.

Syriya (Сирия)

The horse was born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1896. From Kekhaylan Djellala strain. Red mare from “Emir el-Arab” (imported) and “Saeeda” (imported).

1902 – grey filly from “Sherrak”.

Sobkha (Собха)

State Derkulskiy farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). From Khamdani Simri strain. White mare imported. Born in 1879 at Mahmud Suleyman Bey’s in Egypt and brought to England by Mr. Blunt in 1891. Bought from the latter by Colonel Zdanovich in 1899. Sire “Uazir” from Seglawi Djedran strain (see recors for “Makbula” for details). Dam “Sel’ma” grey mare of Khamdani Cimri strain, born at viceroy Abbas Pasha I farm in Cairo from horses, which he brought from Arabia to Egypt.

While in England, “Sobkha” foaled 4 times: in 18(??) – filly “Safra”, in 1894 – filly “Sel’ma”, in 1896 – filly “Siua”, in 1897 – colt “Seyal’”. Aborted from “Ashtar” in 1900.

1900 – covered by “Kadi”.

1901 – without foal, and covered by “El-Kader”.

1902 – aborted.

Tayiba+ (Тайиба+)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Khadban Yenzekkhi strain. White mare, imported, height 2 arshins 1 ¾ inches. Born in 1884 in Arabia at Bedouin tribe Beni Sakhr. Bought personally by S.A. stroganov in Damascus in 1895 and imported to Russia.

1896 – grey filly “Ledja” from “Sheikh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1897 – grey filly “Taala” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from “Ashgar” in 1898. Died in 1899.

Fezara (Фезара)

State Derkulskiy farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). From Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Red mare, born in 1892 at Mr. Blunt’s farm in England, bought from him in 1899 by Colonel Zdanovich. Sire “Mesaud” owned by Mr. Blunt (see records for “Naaman” for details. Dam “Ferida” from Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain, bay mare imported, born in Bedouin tribe Shommar in Mesopotamia and brought to Egypt by Mohammed Gkhuddr Dmemal’ ed Deen, and brought from the latter by Mr. Blunt in 1891.

1900 – red filly “Amu” from “Akhmar” owned by Mr. Blunt; died in 1900.

In England foaled in 1898 with colt; without foal in 1899.

1900 – covered by “Kadi”.

1901 – without foal.

1902 – red colt “El’-Arab” from “el-Kader”.

Khalifa (Халифа)

Prince A.G. Scherbatov’s (князь А.Г. Щербатов). From Khamdani Simpri strain. Bay mare, height 2 arshins 2 inches, born in 1895 at Count S.A. Strtoganov’ss from “Shehrrak” imported and “Khamra” (imported).

1901 – foal died.

1902 – grey filly “Khalfa” from “El-Kader”. Belongs for Prince A.G. Shcherbatov.

Khamdanieh (Хамданиэ)

Born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1893. From Khamdani Simri strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 3 ¼ inches. From “Sottam el-Kreysh” imported and “Khamra” imported.

1898 – grey colt “Khalif” from “Emir el-Kreysh[33]”. Sold in 1902 to Baron Meyendorff.

1899 – bay filly “Faridah” from the same. Died in 1899.

1900 – red-grey filly “Simri” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1901 – grey colt from “Abeyan”.

1902 – without foal from “Abeyan”.

Khamra (Хамра)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Khamdani Simri strain. Bay mare, imported, height 2 arshins ¾ inches. Born in 1884 at Bedouin tribe Sebaa (of Anaze). Sire is from Kekhaylan Nouag strain. Brought to Russia for Count S.A. Stroganov in 1888 by Sheikh Nasr Ibn-Abdalla.

1891 – grey filly “Khenne” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Died in 1893.

1893 – grey filly “Khamdanieh” from the same. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1894 – grey colt “Kharb” from the same. Belongs to Mr. Mongard.

1895 – bay filly “Khalifa” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to Prince A.G. Shcherbatov.

1896 – bay colt “Khassan” from the same. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – grey filly “Khamsa” from the same. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1900 – grey filly “Khaza” from the same. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from “Sottam el-Kreysh” in 1892; aborted from “Emir el-Arab” in 1897. Was not used in 1897.

1902 – bay filly from “Arnab”.

Kheyfi (Хейфи)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Kekhaylan Kheyfi strain. Bay-brown mare, imported, born in 1896 in Arabia at Bedouin Ardub Ibn-Shaalan’s, from Roala tribe (of Anaze), the said Bedouin was a first cousin of the head Sheikh of Roala – Sottam Ibn-Shaalan. Dam – bay mare, born at Ardub’s. Sire – bay stallion from Kekhaylan Sueti strain, was property of Roala tribe before, but now is at Ibn-M’khed’s, Sheikh of Bedouin tribe Mekhed (of Fedhaan Anaze). Purchased personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in 1900 in Syrian desert at camping site of Roala Bedouins, from Ardub Ibn-Shaalan, and brought to Russia.

1902 – grey filly from “Sherrak”.

Shagra (Шагра)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Red mare, imported, height 2 arshins 2 ¾ inches. Born in Arabia in 1883 with Bedouins Sebaa (of Anaze). Sire from Abeyan Sherrak strain from Abu Djereys family. Imported to Russia for Count S.A. Stroganov in 1888 by Sheikh Nasr Ibn-Abdalla.

1891 – grey filly “Sheyfi” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1893 – grey colt “Sheikh Nasr” from “Tamri”. Belongs to Mr. Lyubomirsky[34].

1894 – bay colt “Shaalan” from the same. Belongs to Prince G.S. Golitsyn[35].

1895 – red colt “Shatyor” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1896 – red filly from “Sherrak”. Died in 1896.

1898 – bay-brown colt from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Died.

1900 – red filly “Shubra” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from “Tamri” in 1892; from “Sottam el-Kreysh” in 1897; from “Sherrak” in 1899.

1902 – without foal from “Abeyan”.

Sheyfi (Шейфи)

Born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1891. From Manegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 2 ¼ inches. From “Sottam el-Kreysh” imported and “Shagra” imported.

1895 – grey filly “Medina I” from “Sherrak”. Belongs to S.Yu. Yagmin[36].

1896 – red colt “Menelik” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1897 – red filly “Sherifa” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – red filly “Mekka” from “Ashgar”, son of “Emir el-Arab”. Died in 1899.

– grey filly “Medina II” from “Ashgar”, son of “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1900 – red colt “Mekhed” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Aborted from “Ashgar” in 1898.

1901 – grey colt from “Bulat”.

1902 – grey colt from “Arnab”.

Shemsa (Шемса)

Prince A.G. Shcherbatov’s (князь А.Г.Щербатов). From Manegi Khedrudj strain. Bay mare, imported, height 2 arshins 2 ½ inches. Born in 1894 in Arabia at Bedouin Hussein Effendi, son of Sheikh of Baggara tribe. Sire from Mangegi Ibn-Sbeyel strain. Dam born at Hussein Effendi, sired by stallion from Kekhaylan Nouag strain. Purchased personally by Prince A.G. Scherbatov in Mesopotamia in 1900 from Hussein Effendi and brought to Russia.

1902 – grey filly “Sheeta” from “El-Kader”. Belongs to Prince A.G. Shcherbatov.

Yalla I+ (Ялла I+)

Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов). From Seglawi Obeyran strain. Red mare, imported, height 2 arshins 2 ¼ inches. Born in 1880 in Arabia. Sire from Manegi Khedrudj strain. Bought personally by Count S.A. Stroganov in 1888 in Syrian desert at camping site of Misrab Bedouins (of Sebaa Anaze) and brought to Russia.

1890 – grey filly “Yalla II” from “Sottam el-Kreysh”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from grey stallion in Arabia, from Khadban Enzekkhi sub-strain, in 1889. Was not used in 1890. Died in 1891.

Yalla II (Ялла II)

Born at Count S.A. Stroganov’s (граф С.А. Строганов) farm in 1890. From Seglawi Obeyran strain. Grey mare, height 2 arshins 2 inches. From “Sottam el-Kreysh” imported and “Yalla I” imported.

1896 – red colt from “Sherrak”. Died in 1896.

1897 – red filly “Yaffa” from “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

1899 – red colt “Yassar” from “Ashgar”, son of “Emir el-Arab”. Belongs to Count S.A. Stroganov.

Without foal from “Sherrak” in 1895; from “Ashgar” in 1900. Stillborn from “Sherrak” in 1898.

1901 – grey filly from “Bulat”.

1902 – red colt from “Bulat”.

Part II.

Horses of Arabian blood and equine profile of horse breeding farms and farms’ departments of exclusively Arabian direction

Stallions producers

Abdel-Kader (Абдель-Кадер)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir[37] (К.К. Казимир). Red-grey stallion, born in 1889 at Mr. Kazimir’s farm. Sire “Osman” (for more details see pedigree for “Uliss”). Dam “Kolchanka I”, from Sadovsky farm; descends from “Kolchan” (sire) and “Arabka” (dam).

Abu-Argub (Абу-Аргуб)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay stallion, born in 1883 in Arabia. Imported to Russia in 1890. Purchased in the same year in Warsaw from Turk Adeglyar-Abuzarov (Адегляр-Абузаров).

Azrah (Азра)

Belongs to Mr. Korostovtsev (Коростовцев). Bay stallion, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “El’borus № 51” from Prince R.V. Sanguszko’s farm, descending from “Obeyan” – imported Arabian bay stallion and “Sibilla № 345” (1877), daughter of “Yagello”, which was a son of imported Arabian stallion “Emir-Beshir” and “Sikorka № 185” (1857); granddam “Derifa № 178” (1857) from grey imported Arabian stallion “Abukheyl” and “Sinyusha № 37” (1843). Dam “Gimnastika” (see pedigree for “Gimnastika” for more details).

Ali-Kar (Али-Кар)

Belongs to Count I.A. Potocki (граф И.А. Потоцки). Bay stallion, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan” imported[38] Arabian stallion from Babolna stud in Austria. Dam “Yancharka № 83” (see pedigree for “Yancharka” for more details).

Andjar (Анджар)

Belongs to G.R. Yelovitsky (Г.Р. Еловицкий). Red stallion, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Gandjar”- imported Arabian stallion of Prince Sanguszko. Dam “Alina”, from Sulyatitsky’s farm, from “Druid”, son of imported Arabian stallion “Djelf(a)”; granddam “Kulyava”.

Antar (Антар)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay stallion, born in 1884 in Arabia. Imported to Russia in 1891. Bought in Damascus from Hassan-Aga.

Attyk (Аттык)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey stallion, born in 1881 at the own farm. Sire “Ezrak-Seglavi” (Эзрак-Сеглави) (Seglawi), imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Odaliska” from “Kogeyl-Nejda” (Kekhaylan-Nayedj), imported from Bagdad in 1870 and “Gama № 278[39] (1868), the daughter of “Kogeylyan-Abu-Argub” (Когеилян-Абу-Аргуб) imported from Arabia in 1858; granddam “Karamba” (Карамба)[40], Arabian mare, born in 1862 at Tornovsky farm (Торновский завод) owned by Prince V.E. Sanguszko, from bay Arabian mare bought in Cairo by Prince R.V. Sanguszko.

Dervish (Дервиш)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey, born in 1886 in Arabia. Arabian stallion. Bought in Damascus from Arab Hansan-Aga in 1891.

Kelyat (Келят)

Belongs to P.A. Shimansky (П.А. Шиманский). Bay stallion, born in XXXX at Prince R.E. Sanguszko’s farm. Sire “Gadji-El-Mekka” from Prince Sanguszko’s farm, from imported Arabian stallion “Seglawi-Ardjebi” (Сеглави-Арджеби). Dam “Lyatka № 102” (Лятка № 102), daughter of “Iskander Pasha” (Искандер-Паша) from Prince Sanguszko’s farm in Slavuta.

Mazepa (Мазепа)

Belongs to R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay stallion, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet-Egob” from imported Arabian stallion “Ezrak-Seglawi” and “Pusta № 315” of own farm.

Dam “Deliya № 420” (1883) from “Rymnik” of own farm, and “Galitsiya № 269”.

Mustafa (Мустафа)

Belongs to P.A. Shimansky (П.А. Шиманский). Bay stallion, born in 1894 at the own farm. Height 2 arshins 2 ½ inches. Sire “Antar” of own farm from “Bulat”, son of “Kelyat” and “Ballada II” of Prince R.E. Sanguszko’s farm, the daughter of imported Arabians “Tereyfi” and “Uryka”, from Imported “Feruk-Khan”. Granddam “Sfera II” of Prince R. Sanguszko’s farm, from imported Arabian stallion “Yamri”; great granddam “Rezeda”, daughter of imported Arabian stallion “Agil-Aga”. Dam “Muza” (“Muse”) of the own farm, from imported Arabian stallion “Sherif”, of Seglyavi-Djedran (Seglawi) sub-strain, bought in 1877 for Slavuta farm, from Sefer-Pasha; sold to Potocki from whom it was purchased in 1882 by Shimansky; granddam “Ballada II” (Баллада II) of Prince Sanguszko’s farm.

Obeyan (Обейан)

Belongs to P.A. Shimansky (П.А. Шиманский). Bay stallion, born in 1895 at the own farm. Height 2 arshins 2 ½ inches. Sire “Obeyan” imported Arabian stallion, owned by Count I. Potocki.[41] Dam “Rustanka” from “Palatin” of own farm, who was son of “Sherif” (see “Mustafa” for more details) and “Sfera II” (see “Mustafa” for more details).

Obeyanek (Обеянек)

Belongs to V. Valevsky (В. Валевский). Red stallion, born in 1882 at Count I. Potocki farm in Antoniny. Sire “Obeyan-Sherrak”, imported Arabian stallion, bought in 1879 in Bertoldeleyn.

Dam “Kheeva” (see “Kheeva” for more details).

Orient-Omegar (Ориэнт-Омегар)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Grey stallion, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Ulliss” for more details).

Dam “Urgenda” (see “Urgenda” for more details).

Rueli (Руэли)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay stallion, born in 1888 in Arabia. Bought from horse dealer Amato in Cairo in 1896.

Seglavi-Djedran (Seglawi) (Сеглави-Джедран/Сеглауи)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay stallion, born in 1891 in Arabia. Bought from horse dealer Amato in Cairo in 1896. The said Amato purchased the stallion at auction where they were selling Ali-Pasha-Sherif horses.

Seglavi Massad/Seglawi-Massiad[42] (Сеглави-Массад/Сеглауи-Массиад)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). White stallion, born in 1881 in Arabia. Bought from horse dealer Amato in Cairo. Amato purchased the stallion at auction where they were selling Ali-Pasha-Sherif horses.

Sultan (Султан)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bought in 1900 in Constantinople from Mazafer-Pasha. Sire was from Seglawi strain. Dam was from Gamdaniey Simriey strain.

Tybet (Тыбет)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Red stallion, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Zarif”, Arabian stallion from Babolna Royal Stud in Austria. Dam “Kheeva” (see “Kheeva” for more details).

Ullis (Уллис)

Belongs to N.A. Strenkovsky (Н.А. Стенковский). Golden bay stallion, born in 1891 at K.K. Kazimir’s farm. Sire “Osman” from A.G. Sadovsky farm; “Osman” was the son of imported Arabian stallion “Yamra” and “Geroldia” of the Prince R.E. Sanguszko’s farm. The said mare was a daughter of “Azet”, imported Arabia. Her granddam was “Medina” from “Samuel”, son of “Nedji-Serebryany”. The latter was a grandson of “Kheylyan” (Хейлян) imported and “Gasda” (Гасда), daughter of “Djelfi” (Джельфи) imported and “Mashka” (Машка) of Prince Sanguszko’s farm. Dam “Ufa” of Streletsky State Stud, from “Ulan” of Prince Sanguszko’s farm. The latter was son of “Ezrak-Seglawi” and “Leeda”; granddam – “Kruchina” of Streletsky State Stud, from “Kaymak”, imported Arabian stallion, great granddam “Balta” from “ Beztsenny”, great great granddam – “Evridika” from “Efir”; great great great granddam “Manzhetka” from “Magbet-Bayar-Khan”, imported from Arabia.

Faraon (Фараон)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Bay stallion, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Faraon”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Shayka” (see “Shayka” for more details).

Khandjar (Ханджар)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Red stallion, born in 1882 at K.K. Branicki farm. Sire “Gamim”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Aziyatka[43]” from “Agil-Agil”, imported Arabian stallion; granddam “Kastiliya” from “Kadiks”, who was a son of “Kogelayn”, imported Arabian stallion; great granddam “Yadviga” from “Sanden” imported; great great granddam “Miranda” from “Yakut”, son of “Vernet” imported; great great great granddam “Mursuvna” (???) from “Murza”. Great great great great granddam “Fatsygenda” from Countess Sofia Potocki farm. “Khandjar” belongs to State Horse Breeding department and serves at the farm on permanent basis.

El’Merik (Эльмерик)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Black stallion, born at B. Paykovsky’s farm[44]. Sire “El-Merik” from Branicki’s farm. Sire “Bagatel” from “Tadmur II”, son of “Tadmur I” imported Arabian stallion. The horse was purchased in 1890 from V.M. Markovich.

Yashma (Яшма)

Belongs to A.G. Korostovtsev (А.Г. Коростовцев). Red stallion, born in 1895 at the own farm. Sire “Elbrus” (see “Azra” for more details). Dam “Grenada” (see “Grenada” for more details).

Brood mares

Abbatsiya/Abba (Аббация/Абба)

Belongs to G.E. Yelovitsky (Г.Е. Еловицкий). Born in 1898 at Ozheninskiy farm. Sire “Lok”. Dam “Alina”.

Avstriya (Австрия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red mare, bron in 1881 at the own farm. Sire “Ezrak-Seglavi” (Seglawi), imported Arabian stallion. Bought in 1875. Dam “Cuba” from “Gektor” and “Bella” of the own farm, born in 1860.

1887 – red filly “Geddelya” from “Rymnik”. Died.

1888 – was not used.

1889 – colt “Ipsylion” (coat unknown) from “Gandzhar”. Died.

1890 – bay filly “Kardilyera” from “Gandzhar”, imported Arabian stallion. Died.

1891 – red filly “Lydiya” from “Semkhan”, imported Arabian stallion.

1892 – aborted.

1893 – bay filly “Novarra” from “Antar”, imported Arabian stallion.

1894 – bay filly “Orleanka” from “Antar”, imported Arabian stallion.

1895 – grey colt “Padishach” from “Rymnik”.

1896 – bay colt “Rolyand” from “Antar”.

1897 – was not used.

1898 – bay filly “Topgane” from “Antar”.

1899 – bay colt “Budz” from “Ruyeli”.

1900 – grey filly “Zgrabna” from “Mossado”.

Sold in 1990 to Mr. Pink.

Aga (Ага)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1889 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet” of Count K.S. Branitski farm; born in 1880 from “Al’merik” and “Beentka”, Arabian mare, bought for the farm in 1886. Dam “Nadzeya № 24” Arabian mare of the own farm; born in 1879 from “Dervish” (Дервиш), Arabian stallion of Nedji, bought in Arabia from Artur-Bey in 1870 and “Sarakh № 176” (Сарах № 176), daughter of “Agil-Aga” (Агил-Ага), imported Arabian stallion of Kekhaylan-Adjus strain, bought in Arabia in 1865, and “Sibilla № 110” (Сибилла № 110) of the own farm.

1897 – was not used.

1898 – grey colt “Tuan” from “Tybet”.

1899 – was not used.

1900 – bay colt “Konsul” from “Tybet”.

1901 – was not used.

1902 – bay colt “Teplik” from “Tybet”.

1902 (?) – mated with “Sultan” again.

Adua (Адуа)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan” of Nedji strain; born in Arabia in 1882. Bought from Lord William Beresford[45] in 1889.

Dam “Druga” (see “Druga” for more details).

1900 – mated with “Tybet”.

1901 – grey mare “Bataliya” from “Tybet”.

1902 – without foal from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Aza (Аза)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Black mare, born in 1883 at A.G. Sadovsky’s farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Uliss” for more details).

Dam “Afganka[46]” of Prince R.E. Sanguszko’s farm.

1891 – black colt “Malek” from “Elmerik”. Burnt to death.

1892 -1899 – mated with stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Aziya (Азия)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Grey mare, born in 1884 at the own farm. Sire “Tayar”, Arabian stallion imported from Riad. Dam “Antonida” of Branicky farm, from “Allakh” and “Komediya”, daughter of “Codecs”, son of “Kogelan” (Kekhaylan), imported from Arabia.

1889 – aborted.

1890 – grey filly “Aida” from “Gassan” of Khren. Farm. Sold in Austria in 1893.

1891 – 1898 – mated with stallions of other than Arabian bloods.

1899 – mated with “Faraon”.

1900 …[47]

1901 …

Alina (Алина)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky. Red mare, born in 1889 at YA.K. Yaskulsky’s farm. Sire “Druid”, son of imported Arabian stallion “Djelfi”. Dam “Klapoukha”.

Alleya (Аллея)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Red-grey mare, born in 1882 at the own farm. Sire “Abdul-Azis”, imported from Sultan’s stables by General Skobelev[48]. Dam “Sil’viya” from “Shamil’”, son of “Sayden”, imported from Arabia. “Sil’viya” was bought from Markovsky farm in 1878.

1887 – bay colt “Mamont” from “Tayar”. Sold to Mr. Dichakulov in 1894.

1888 – bay mare from “Tayar”. Sold to Mr. Grushenicky in 1891.

1889 – aborted.

1890 – red-grey colt “Fin-Shampan” from “Gassan” of Khrenovsky farm. Sold to M.r Burggardt in 1894.

1891 – red colt from “Fartunio”, English Thoroughbred. Sold to Mr. Berens.

1892 – grey colt from “Gassan”. Sold to Mr. Berens in 1894.

1893 – grey filly from “Gassan”. Sold to Mr. Berens in 1895.

1894 – was not used.

1895 – aborted.

1896 – red filly “Lyusy-For” from “Satrap” of Krenovsky farm. Sold to Mr. Gutkovsky in 1898.

1897-1898-1899 – offspring from pureblood (???) stallion “Kol’deron”.

1900 …

1901 …

1902 …

Al’Dona (Альдона)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1881 at the own farm. Sire “Inzheener” of the own farm, born in 1869. Dam “Purpura”, born in 1875 from “Fortunio” of the own farm from 1866 and “Etna” of the own farm, born in 1865.

1886-1889 – offspring died.

1890 – bay filly “Karavana” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Mr. Grushecky in 1894.

1891 – red-grey filly “Lekhiya” from “Ganzhar”.

1892 – was not mating.

1893 – red-grey filly “Normandiya” from “Kogeylan-Djedran”

1894 – grey colt “Oberon” from “Vodan”.

1895 – red-grey colt “Per.—Bako”[49] from “Kogeylan-Djedran”.

1896 – grey colt “Remember” from “Evklid”.

1897 – aborted.

1898 – red-grey filly “Traditsiya” from “Ruyeli”.

1899 – was not mating. Sold to G. El’sky in 1899.

Al’Ma (Альма)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1900 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Alina”.

Al’Nukhara (Альнухара)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Red mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Zarif”, Arabian stallion of Babolna farm, Austria. Dam “Antilopa № 28” of the own farm from 1879 (see “Elissa” for more details).

1898 – bay colt “Pugar” from “Priam”.

1899 – red filly “Klyaska” from “Priam”.

1900 – bay colt from “Abu-Argub”. Died.

1901 – golden-red filly “Bartselona” from “Sultan”.

1902 – without foal from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Al’Tesa (Альтеса)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Bay mare, born in 1890 at the own farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Uliss” for more details). Dam “Nadeefa”, imported from Arabia – Diarbekir “under mother”, “Kogeyley” (Kekhaylan). “Nadeefa’s” sire was Arabian stallion “Kogeyl-Saragami” of Nadj strain.

Sold to Mr. Strenkovsky in 1898.

Al’Fa (Альфа)

Belongs to A.G. Korostovtsev (А.Г. Коростовцев). Red-grey mare, born in 1893 from “Elbrus” (see “Azra” for more details). Dam “Djal’ma” of Grednitsky farm, from “Razomak”, son of imported Arabian stallion “Anak-El-Ared” and English Thoroughbred mare “Viver”, and dam “Djakoma”, Arabian mare imported from Turkey.

Alyuta (Алюта)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Red-grey mare, born in 1890 at the own farm. Sire “Bosphor”, of Yanovsky State Stud, from “Bakhchi-Saray”[50], of Limarsky Arabian Stud, who was son of “Bakshish”, imported from Arabia in 1862 by Colonel Dokhturov, and dam “Kukuruza” of Chesmensky State farm, who was daughter of “Kbeshan”, imported from Syria in 1850 by Consul Bazili; granddam “Arabka” from “Amurat” and “Saya”, the daughter of “Mazaid”. Dam “Odaliska” (see “Odaliska” for more details).

Had offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

1901 – red-grey colt “Bosphor” from “Khandjar”.

Antoneeda (Антонида)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Black mare, born in 1886 at the own farm. Sire “Abdul-Azis”. Dam “Antoneeda” (see “Aziya” for more details).

1891 – bay filly from “Gassan” of Khrenovsky farm. Died in 1892.

1892 – bay filly from “Gassan”. Sold to Mr. Nepokoychitsky in 1895.

1893-1899 – offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Antoninka (Антонинка)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1897 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Iflyak” from Count I.A. Potocki’s farm, from imported Arabian stallion “Gandjar” and Arabian mare “Kaleefa”. Dam “Alina”.

Arabella (Арабелла)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1886 at the own farm. Sire “Faraon”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Pretsioza № 207” of the own farm.

1901 – aborted from “Tybet”.

1902 – red colt “Padishach” from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Arbaleta (Арбалета)

Belongs to Count V.A. Potocki (граф В.А. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in ???? at Count Ks. Brzhozovsky’s farm. Sire “Ispagan” from “Kekhayl’” (see “Sveetezyanka” for more details) and “Boyaderka” (see “Sveetezyanka” for more details). Dam “Al’gambra” from “Alakir” and “Klerinda”, daughter of “Obiyad”, imported from Arabia; granddam “Venus” from “Vernet”, imported from Arabia.

Ariadna (Ариадна)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Black mare, born in 1888 at the own farm. Sire “Abdul-Azis”.

Dam “Al’dona” of V.A. Branicki’s farm, from “Allakh” and “Gloriya”.

1893 – grey filly from “Gassan” of Khrenovsky farm. Sold to Mr. Berens in 1895.

1894 – without foal.

1895 – 1899 – offspring from English Thoroughbred stallions.

Armida (Армида)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1881 at the own farm. Sire “Inzhener” of the own farm, born in 1869. Dam “Revansha” from “Ezrak-Seglavi”, imported Arabian stallion, and “Kaliforniya” of the own farm, born in 1870.

1886 – without foal.

1887 – bay filly “Grazheena” from “Obeyan”. Sold to G. Makhnitsky in 1892.

1888 – without foal.

1889 – … filly “Illiriya” from “Akbar”. Died.

1890 – … colt “Kavas” from “Gandjar”. Died.

1891 – without foal.

1892 – bay filly “Madera” from “Zarif”.

1893 – aborted.

1894 – bay filly “Obetnitsa” from “Kogeylan-Djedran”. Sold to Radauts farm on Austria.

1895 – aborted.

1896 – bey colt “Rataplan” from “Semkhan”.

1897 – aborted.

1898 – red-grey filly “Tatarka” from “Seglavi-Djedran”.

1899 – aborted.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – without foal. Sold to Mr. Yel’sky in 1901.

Balladeena (Балладина)

Belongs to P.A. Shimansky (П.А. Шиманский). Grey mare, born in 1886, at the own farm. Height 2 arshins 3 inches. Sire “Sherif”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Ballada II” from Prince Sanguszko’s farm, from imported Arabian stallion “Tereyfi” and “Uryka”, daughter of “Fruk-Khanava”, imported Arabian stallion.

1893 – grey colt “Ali” from “Palatin”, sold to Mr. Vil’sky.

1894-1895 – without foal.

1896 – grey filly “Sara” from “Obeyan”.

1897 – without foal.

1898 – offspring from unknown stallion.

1900 – grey colt “Emir” from “Obelisk”, son of “Antar”, imported Arabian stallion of Prince Sanguszko’s farm.

Balladeena (Балладина)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion, bought in India. Dam “Kadranka” (see “Kadranka” for more details).

1902 – bay colt “Sharak” from “Tybet”.

Mated with “Gul’ton” again.

Baronessa (Баронесса)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Dark brown-bay mare, born in 1890 at the own farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Uliss” for more details). Dam “Bonita” of Prince R.E.Sanguszko’s farm, descends from “Turbil’on”, son of “Feruk-Khan”, imported Arabian stallion, and “Aziya” (Азия), daughter of “Shumka VI” (Шумка IV), son of “Obeyan” (Обейан), grandson of “Shumka II[51]” (Шумка II), great-grandson of “Shaitan[52]” (Шайтан), imported from Arabia in 1818, granddam “Shayka” (Шайка) from “Emir” (Эмир), son of “Djedran” (Джедран), imported Arabian stallion and Arabian broodmare of Prince Sanguszko’s farm; great granddam “Sarra” (Сарра) from “Agil-Aga” (Агил-Ага), imported Arabian stallion, great great granddam “Sibilla” (Сибилла) from “Goynim” (Гойним), son of “Batran-Aga” (Батран-Ага), imported Arabian stallion, and “Sidi” (Сиди), daughter of “Obeyan” (Обейан), son of “Shumka II” (Шумка II), grandson of “Shaitan” (Шайтан), imported Arabian stallion, great great great granddam broodmare № 437 of Prince Sanguszko’s farm, from “Kanariss” (Канарисс), son of “Djelfi” (Джельфи) and № 332 mare, daughter of “Benissar” (Бениссар), imported Arabian stallion, appeared in 1821. Great great great great granddam – mare of the Prince Sanguszko’s old Khrestvetsky farm.

1895-1899 – offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Bayaderka (Баядерка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”. Dam “Mazaika № 266” of the own farm.

1899 – grey colt “Emir” from “Tybet”.

1900 – no records.

1901 – grey colt “Sudan” from “Tybet”.

1902 – red filly “Martinika” from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Beni-Kaled (Бени-Калед)

Belongs to the State Derkulsky farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). Red mare, from Beni-Kaled tribe, born in 1892. Brought to his Highness Our Lord Emperor by Shevfik from Cairo in 1900. Sire – famous “Mal’brook”. Dam is from Anaze tribe, and belongs to the substrain which is widely spread among that tribe.

1901 – covered by “Zarif”.

1902 – without a foal.

Biruta (Бирута)

Belongs to P.A. Shimansky (П.А. Шиманский). Red mare, born in 1891 at the own farm. Sire “Sherif”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Ballada II” (see “Balladina” for more details).

1896 – red filly “Palmira” from “Palatin” of the own farm.

1897 – red filly “Dumka” from “Palatin”.

1898 – offspring died.

1899 – offspring died.

1901 – bay colt “Afgan” from “Obeyan”.

Bravaya (Бравая)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Light-grey mare, born in 1876 at Streletsky state farm. Sire “Bivuak”. Dam “Kuropatka” from “Komchadal”, son of “Kbeshan”.“Bravaya” came to the farm in 1897.

1898-1899 – without foal.

Brumana (Брумана)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Dark-bay mare, born in 1882 at the own farm. Sire “Inzhener” of the own farm. Dam “Repressiya” (1876) from “Gadzi-Akhmet” (1868) and “Grizeta” of the own farm (1860).

1887 – bay filly “Gadzemba” from “Rysinnika”.

1888 – without foal.

1889 – bay filly “Inkvizitsiya” from “Obeyan”.

1890 – grey colt “Katar-Bey” from “Gandjar”. Sold to Mr. Shleyker in 1897.

1891 – without foal.

1892 – bay colt “Midas” from “Gandjar”. Sold to Prince Radziwill[53] in 1897.

1893 – bay colt “Nil’” from “Gandjar”.

1894 – grey colt “Ol’gerd” from “Antar”.

1895 – without foal.

1896 – aborted.

1897 – grey filly “Cil’viya” from “Semkhan”.

1898 – grey filly “Tarantella” from “Ruyeli”.

1899 – grey colt “Vapiti” from “Ruyeli”.

1900 – dark-grey colt “Ipselon” from “Ruyeli”.

1901 – … filly from “Ruyeli”. Died.

Sold to Mr. Vertmin to Prussia in 1901.

Gavanna (Гаванна)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1898 in Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Gelenka”.

Gaga (Гага)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1900 in Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Gelenka”.

Gazel (Газель)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Red mare, born in 1883 at L.G. Sadovsky’s farm. Sire “El-Bedevi”, Arabian stallion imported from Arabia by L. Zimmerman. Dam “Agaviya”, Arabian mare from Prince R.E. Samguszko’s farm.

1890 – bay filly “Gitana” from “Shafran”. Died.

1891 – black filly “Goya” from “Osman. Burnt to death.

1892 – red filly “Gratsia” from “Yanychar”. Burnt to death.

1893 – without foal.

1894 – red filly “Granata” from “Yanychar”. Promoted to brood mares’ department.

1895 – red colt “Girey” from “Yanychar”.

1896 – red colt “Raul” from “Rastochitel’”, English Thoroughbred.

1897 – 1899 without foal.

1900 …

1901 …

Gaiota (Гайота)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1897 in Ozheninsky far. Sire “Lok”. Dam “Gelenka”.

Gal’Ka (Галька)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1894 in Ozheninsky far. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Gelenka”.

Gama (Гама)

From State Derkulsky farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). Grey mare, born in 1891 at State Streletsky farm. Sire “Gusar”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Semiramida” (see “Semiramida” for more details).

1899 – filly “Bemol’” from “Bazarjik”.

1900 – red colt “Solist” from “Sem-khan”. Died in 1900.

1901 – red-grey colt “Solist” from “Sem-khan”.

1902 – red-grey filly “Zurna” from “Zarif”.

Garfa (Гарфа)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1895 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan” (see “Adua” for more details). Dam “Epopeya № 263[54]” (Эпопея № 263) of the own farm, by imported Arabian stallion “Dervish” (Дервиш) bought in 1870 from Artur-Bey; granddam “Lira № 198” (Лира № 198) by “Obeyan-Matsyuk” (Обейан-Мацюк), son of imported Arabian stallion “Batran-Aga” (Батран-Ага), which was bought in Arabia in 1842. Great granddam “Kreolka № 103” (Креолка № 103) by “Iskander-Pasha” (Искандер-Паша), imported from Arabia in 1851; great great granddam “Zuzulya № 70” (Зузуля № 70) of the own farm, by “Krolik” (Кролик), Arabian stallion from Prince Sanguszko’s farm; great great granddam bay mare[55] from Lipetsky farm (Липецкий завод) of Prince Eustachy Sanguszko.

1900 – mated with Arabian stallion “Tybet”.

1901 – bay filly “Gitara” from “Tybet”.

Gasta (Гаста)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (Р.В. Сангусщко). Red mare, born in 1887 at the own farm. Sire “Ukhatius” of the own farm, born in 1879. Dam “Gersyliya”, born in 1868, from “Emir-Beshir”, imported from Arabia; granddam “Gaza II”, born in 1852 at the own farm.

1892- without foal.

1893 – aborted.

1894 – without foal.

1895 – bay filly “Penelopa” from “Kogeylyan-Djedran” (“Kekhaylan-Djedran”).

1896 – red filly “Rubrika” from “Yussuf”.

1897 – bay filly “Sumatra” from “Kekhaylan-Djedran”.

1898 – red colt “Terrar” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – red colt “Versal’” from “Maniad”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – filly “Afrodyta” from “Ol’gerdom”.

Gekuba (Гекуба)

Belongs to A.G. Korostovtsev (А.Г. Коростовцев). Red mare, born in 1897 at the own farm. Sire “Zrelyi”, born in 1882 at Prince R.V. Sanguszko’s farm, from “Ezrak-Seglawi”, imported from Arabia in 1875 and “Derifa № 178” (1875), daughter of “Abu-kheyl”, imported from Arabia in 1854 and “Senyusha № 37” (Сенюша № 37) (1843) from “Eklips-Gnedoy” (1838) and grey mare “Vorozhka № 330” (Ворожка № 330) (1833). Dam “Grenada” (see “Grenada” for more details).

Gelenka (Геленка)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1885 at Ya.K. Sulyatytsky’s farm.

Geroinya (Героиня)

Belongs to V. Valevsky (В. Валевский). Grey mare, born in 1888 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm in Slavuta. Sire “Brilliant” (1882), from “Inzhener” (1869), son of “Gektor” (1858) and “Zaletnaya № 139” (1853), and “Sicylia № 339” (1877), daughter of “Yagello” (1869) and “Gazel’ II” (1858) № 197. Dam “Tsepec” (1882) № 411 from “Olimp” (1874), son of “Kogeyl-Nedji”, imported Arabian stallion and “Esperance” (1865) № 258, I “Pienkna” (1875) № 320, daughter of “Khadja Akhmet” (1868) and “Impreza” (1869) № 281.

1897 – offspring died.

1898 – without foal.

Gimnastika (Гимнастика)

Belongs to A.G. Korostovtsev (А.Г. Коростовцев). Red mare, born in 1887 at Prince R.V. Sanguszko’s Khrestovetsky farm. Sire “Faraon”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Terpentina № 355” (1878) from “Ezrak-Seglawi”, imported Arabian stallion. Granddam “Litva № 291” (1871) from “Gadli-El-Mekka” (1863), great granddam “Cheshka № 250” (1863).

Grazhyna (Гражына/Гражина)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Grey mare, born in 1882 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Kogeylan”, imported from Arabia by Mr. Zimmerman. Dam “Gvyazdka”, from “Khmurka” of Count Dzedushitsky’s farm, and “Bagdat II”, son of “Bagdat I”, imported Arabian stallion.

Grammatika (Грамматика)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1887 at the own farm. Sire “Akbar”, imported white Arabian stallion. Dam “Sibilla” (see “Azra” for more details).

1892 – red-grey filly “Mimoza” from “Akhmet-Eyub” (1881).

1893 – bay filly “Nekrasa” from “Kekhaylan-Djedran”.

1894 – without foal.

1895 – grey colt “Perkun” from “Sem-khan”, imported Arabian stallion.

1896 – bay colt “Redy” from “Esseg”, of the own farm.

1897 – grey colt “Servus” from “Evklid”, imported Arabian stallion.

1898 – grey filly “Tribuna” from “Ruyeli”, imported Arabian stallion.

1899 – grey filly “Uniya” from “Massiad”, imported Arabian stallion.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … colt “Abdalaikh” from “Ol’gerdom”.

Gratsiya (Грация)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red mare, born in 1887 at the own farm. Sire “Ukhatius” of the own farm, born in 1879. Dam “Gavan’” (1868) from “Ambaras” red stallion of the own farm from 1855, granddam “Grizeta” of the own farm from 1860.

1893 – without foal.

1894 – red filly “Otseaniya” from “Yussuf”.

1895 – without foal.

1896 – red colt “Rufus” from “Kokhaylan-Djedran”.

1897 – without foal.

1898 – red colt “Tugay-Bey” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – red filly “Ul’tima” from “Antar”, imported Arabian stallion.

1900 – … filly “Zemsta” from “Seglyavi-Djedran”.

1901 – … colt “Adrianapol’” from “Mazepa”.

Grenada (Гренада)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Red mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Zarif” (see “Al’pugara” for more details). Dam “Antilopa № 28” (see “Elissa” for more details”).

1898 – red filly “Andaluziya” from “Priam” of the own farm.

1899-1900 – without foal.

1901 – red colt “Al’mansor” from “Sultan”.

1902 – red filly “Kordova from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Grenada II (Гренада II)

Belongs to A.G. Korostovtsev (А.Г. Коростовцев). Red mare, born in 1887 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm. Sire “Rymnik[56]” (Рымник), grey (1876) from “Kortez” (Кортез) (1870), son of “Tserile” (Цериле) (1863) and “Gonta” (Гонта) grey № 112 (1855), and “Gama № 278” (Гама № 278) (1868), daughter of white imported Arabian stallion “Kogeylyan-Abu-Argub” (Когейлян-Абу-Аргуб) and bay Arabian mare “Karamba № 245” (Карамба № 245) (1863). Dam “Reypublika” from white imported Arabian stallion “Ezrak-Seglawi”; granddam “Gerol’dika № 274” (1868) from white imported Arabian stallion “Emir-Beshir”; great granddam “Lyuba № 221” (1860), bay mare.

Dalmatsiya (Далмация)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1884 at the own farm. Sire “Marokko” of the own farm, born 1n 1872. Dam “Tamiza”, born in 1878 from “Inzhener” of the own farm, granddam “Kal’kulyatsiya”, born in 1870 at the own farm.

1888 – grey colt “Yard” from “Attyk”. Sold in 1894 to G. Gaza.

1889 – was not used.

1890 – red-grey filly “Krzhivda” from “Sem-khan”.

1891 – without foal.

1892 – … mare “Mandolina” from “Bodan”. Died.

1893 – without foal.

1894 – grey colt “Original” from “Dervish”, imported Arabian stallion.

1895 – grey filly “Politika” from “Abu-Argub”.

1896 – bay filly “Regentka” from “Abu-Argub”.

1897 – without foal.

1898 – bay filly “Teere-Gant” from “Ruyeli”, imported Arabian stallion.

1899 – grey colt “Vampir” from “Abu-Argub”.

1900 – grey filly “Iokagama” from “Ruyeli”.

1901 – … colt “Allegro” from “Antar”.

Sold to Mr. Vertman in 1901.

Debora (Дебора)

Belongs to Prince G. Radziwill (князь Г. Радзивилл). Bay mare, born in 1993 at the own farm. Sire “Burun” of the State Streletsky farm, from “Bakhus”, son of “Burnoy” and “Obraztsovaya”, and “Galitsiya”, daughter of “Gad-Ban-Kogeyl’” and “Interesnaya”. Dam “Vandzeyka” (Polish “Wandziejka”) from “Samson”, imported Arabian stallion of Count Bronitsky, and “Lasiczka”, daughter of “Lovky” from State Streletsky farm, and “Laskovaya”.

Dokhra (Дохра)

Belongs to Count V. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1890 at Count Ks. Brzhozovsky’s farm. Sire “Ispagan” (from “Arbalet”). Dam “Sveetezyanka” (see “Sveetezyanka” for more details).

Druga+ (Died In 1901) (Друга)

Belonged to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). White mare, born in 1875 at the own farm. Sire “Meleshan”, Arabian stallion, imported from Arabia by Prince E. Sanguszko[57] in 1875. Dam “Inez № 90” from “Abukhel’”, imported Arabian stallion (imported in 1854), granddam “Buzhimskaya № 437”; born in 1839 from “Benissar”, imported from Arabia in 1821.

1889 – grey filly “Nereksa” from “Palatin”. Promoted to brood mares’ department.

1890 – bay filly from “Akhmet”. Died in 1891.

1891 – grey filly “Perla” from “Diyamant”, promoted to brood mares’ department.

1892 – grey colt “Mokatam” from “Zarif”. Sold to Lemberg in 1896.

1893 – grey filly “Adua” from “Obeyan”. Promoted to brood mares’ department.

1894 – grey colt “Zefir” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Mr. Valigursky in 1897.

1895 – grey filly “Legenda” from “Obeyan”.

1896 – without foal.

1897 – bay colt from “Iflyak”. Died.

1898 – grey filly “Przhyyatsyul’ka” from “Priam”.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – aborted.

1901 – without foal.

Dumka (Думка)

Belongs to P.A. Shimansky (П.А. Шиманский). Red mare, born in 1897 at the own farm, height 2 arshins 2 inches. Sire “Palatin”, son of “Sherif”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Biruta”.

1901 – red colt “Yamri” from “Obeyan”.

Elissa (Елисса)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1889 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet” (see “Neeva” for more details). Dam “Antilopa” from “Gemdani” (Khemdani”), imported Arabian stallion, bought from Artur-Bey in 1875; granddam “Pretsioza” (see “Podolyanka” for more details).

1897 – red colt “Venets” from “Obeyan”. Sold to officer Mikhailov in 1900.

1898 – red colt “Tyvtyk” from “Tybet”.

1899 – red colt “Orion” from “Tybet”.

1900-1901 – without foal.

Zaverukha (Заверуха)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1889 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet” (see “Neeva” for more details). Dam “Kaleefa” (see “Kaleefa” for more details).

1897 – bay filly “Snezhitsa” from “Obeyan”.

1898 – bay filly “Leeda” from “Tybet”.

1899-1901 – without foal.

Zampa (Зампа)

Belongs to V. Valevsky (В. Валевский). Grey mare, born in 1897 at the own farm. Sire “Iflyak”, Arabian stallion of the own farm, from “Gandjar” of Count Branitsky’s farm and “Kaleefa” (see “Kaleefa” for more details). Dam “Nerissa” (see “Nerissa” for more details).

Zarifka (Зарифка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Golden-red mare, born in 1887 at the own farm. Sire “Zarif” from Babolna Stud in Austria, from imported from Arabia “Zarif” and “Gidran”, Arabian mare of the Mezőhegyes[58] State Stud. Dam “Kheeva” (see “Kheeva” for more details).

1893 – golden-red filly “Berbera” from “Obeyan”. Sold to officer Yel’chanilov in 1897.

1894 – bay colt “Bogatyr’” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Lemberg in 1897.

1895 – bay filly. …. Died.

1896 – bay filly. …. Died.

1897 – bay colt “Figus” from “Obeyan”. Gelded.

1898 – bay colt “Gektor” from “Priam”.

1899 – bay colt “Albano” from “Abu-Argub”.

1900 – bay filly “Lyara” from “Abu-Argub”.

1901 – red filly “Sultanka” from “Sultan”.

1902 – red colt “Mechet” from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Zebra (Зебра)

Belongs to N.A. Strenkovsky (Н.А. Стренковский). Black mare, born in 1889 at K.K. Kazimir’s farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Ullis” for more details). Dam “Zosa”, imported from Diarbekir in 1878 together with her dam “Seglawi”. “Zosa’s” sire was “Kogeyl-saragami” of Nedji strain.

Zel’fisiya (Зельфисия)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Dark-grey mare, born in 1890 at the own farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Ullis” for more details). Dam “Zosa” (see “Zosa” for more details. Offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Zosa (Зоса)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). White mare, born in Diarbekir in 1877, and imported from there under her dam “Seglawi” by G. Zimmerman.“Zosa’s” sire was “Kogeyl-Saragami” of Nedji strain.

1885-1898-1899 – offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

1889 – black filly “Zebra” from “Osman”. Promoted to brood mares’ department.

1890 – grey filly “Zel’fisiya” from “Osman”. Promoted to brood mares’ department.

Zuzulya (Зузуля)

Belongs to G.V. Potocki (Г.В. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1886 at Count Krz. Brzozowski’s farm. Sire “Amul’” (see “Sveetezyanka” for more details). Dam “Kimul’djina” (see “Sveetezyanka” for more details).

Izhitsa (Ижица)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Grey mare, born in 1888 at the own farm. Sire “Tayar”, Arabian stallion imported from Riad. Dam “Zemma”, of V.A. Branitsky’s farm, from “Yunak”, son of “Indianin,” imported from “Arabia”.

1893 – grey colt from “Gassan”, of Khrenovsky farm.

1894 – grey colt from ”Gassan”.

1895 – grey colt from “Satrap”, of Khrenovsky farm.

Inessa (Инесса)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Red, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Islam” from “Osman” and “Violya”, the mare from Prince Sanguszko’s farm, daughter of “Bismark”, which was a son of imported Arabian stallion “Magomet-Gassan” (1858) and “Mazurka”. “Mazurka” was a daughter of “Djan-Bulat” (Джан-Булат), son of imported Arabian stallion “Batran-Aga” (Батран-Ага) (1845) and “Yancharka” (Янчарка) of mares’ farm of Prince Sanguszko. Dam “Zvezdochka” of A.G. Sadovsky’s farm, from “El-Bedevi” (see “Gazel’” for more details); granddam “Litvinka” of Prince Sanguszko’ farm, from “Bagdad”, imported Arabian stallion. Great granddam “Pogonya” (Погоня).

1899 – red filly “Ivet” from “Eriklik”.

1900 – …

1901 – golden-red colt “Ismal” from “Khandjar”.

Inkvizitsiya (Инквизиция)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1883 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Brumana”, born in 1882 at the own farm, from “Inzhener” of the own farm; granddam bay mare “Repressiya”, born in 1876 at the own farm.

1894 – bay filly “Operetta” from “Yussuf”. Sold to Mr. Bardzynsky in 1898.

1895 – red-grey filly “Palmira” from “Abu-Argub”.

1896 – without foal.

1897 – bay filly “Sagara” from “Semkhan”.

1898 – aborted.

1899 – bay filly “Upsolya” from “Rueli”.

1900 – bay filly from “Rueli”. Died.

1901 – bay filly “Ambeziya” from “Dervish”.

Kadranka (Кадранка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1881 at the own farm. Sire “Seglavi-Kadran”, imported from Arabia in 1879. Dam “Sara № 176”, born in 1867 at the own farm from “Agil-Aga”, imported from Arabia in 1865 from Anaze tribe. Granddam “Sibilla №110”, mare born in 1859 at the own farm from “Goyny”, son of “Batran-Aga”, imported from Arabia in 1842; great granddam “Geeda № 45”, born in 1851 at the own farm.

1890 – bay colt “El-Kabra” from “Magort”, son of “Faraon”. Sold Babolna Stud in Austria as a producer.

1891 – without foal.

1892 – bay filly “Balladina” from “Obeyana”.

1893 – bay colt from “Bagdad-Zarif”. Sold in 1898 to Mr. Bolishavsky.

1894 – bay filly “Vevyurka” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Austria in 1898.

1895 – bey filly “Sorpa” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Mr. Goncharov in 1899.

1896 – without foal.

1897 – [colt] “Stol’nik” from “Antar” of Prince Sanguszko’s farm; imported Arabian stallion.

1898 – bay colt “Kadran” from “Priam”.

1899 – bay colt from “Tybet”. Died.

1900 – bay colt “Gassan” from “Tybet”.

1901 – bay colt “Sadyk-Pasha” from “Sultan”.

1902 – bay (g.) filly “Gimhalyaya” from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Tybet” again.

Kalga (Калга)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Dark-bay mare, born in 1887 at the own farm. Sire “Faraon”, imported Aabian stallion. Dam “Bryunetka № 236”, born at the own farm in 1872 by “Yamri”, imported from Arabia; granddam “Geroldiya № 81”, born in 1856 by “Azet” bought in Arabia from Beni-Sokkhr tribe in 1853; great granddam “Medina № 25”[59], (Медина № 25) born at the own farm in 1844 by “Nejdi”[60] (Нежди) imported from Arabia in 1845, great great granddam “Angel’ka” (Ангелька), Arabian mare, born at the own farm in 1839.

1892 – bay colt from “Obeyan”. Died.

1893 – bay colt “Sheikh” from “Zarif”. Sold to G. Zhdanko in 1896.

1894 – bay colt “Kismet” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Mr. fon-Derviz in 1897.

1895 – bay colt “Kavkaz” (Russian “Caucas”) from “Obeyan”. Sold to G. Makovetsky in 1898.

1896 – bay colt “Kuzma” from “Sem-Khan”. Sold to Lemberg in 1899.

1897 – bay colt “Lovchiy” from “Iflyak”. Sold to Mr. Vislotsky in 1900.

1898 – bay colt “Mongol” from “Tybet”.

1899 – black colt “Menelik” from “Abu-Argub”.

1900 – bay filly “Angelina” from “Tybet”.

1901 – bay filly “Lyassa” from ”Tybet”.

1902 – bay (g) colt “Mugden” from “Sultan”.

Mated again, with “Gul’ton”.

Kaleefa (Калифа)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Red mare, born in 1881 at the own farm. Sire “Seglawi-Kadran” (see “Kadranka” for more details).

Dam “Pretsioza № 2007” from “Yamri” and “Lotka № 102” (see “Kheeva” for more details).

1889 – bay filly “Zaverukha” from “Akhmet”. Promoted to brood mare department.

1890 – without foal.

1891 – red colt “Iflyak” from “Gandjar” of Count Branitsky’s farm. Promoted to stallions producers department at the own farm in 1896.

1892 – bay colt “Padishakh” from “Obeyn”. Sold to Lemberg in 1896.

1893 – (no data).

1894 – red filly “Lyarisa” from imported Arabian stallion “Obeyan”, dark bay, from Babolna stud in Austria. Promoted to brood mares department.

1895 – bay filly. Died.

1896 – bay colt “Omdurman” from “Obeyan”. Sold to G. Vislotsky in 1899.

1897 – bay colt “Selim” from “Obeyn”.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – bay colt “Sospiro” from “Abu-Argub”.

1900 – bay colt “Belisar” from “Abu-Argub”.

1902 – without foal from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Kaluga (Калуга)

Belongs to R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1890 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Revansha” of the own farm, born in 1876 from “Ezrak-Seglawi”, imported from Arabia; granddam “Kaliforniya”, born in 1870 at the own farm.

1895 – red-grey filly “Porta” from “Yussuf”.

1896 – was not used.

1897-1898- without foal.

1899 – grey colt “Ural” from “Rueli”.

1900 – bay filly “Zlost’” from “Massado”.

Kas’Ka (Каська)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Bay mare, born in 1894 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Kodyma” from “Okhota” (sire) and “Ksenya” (Dam).

Kirgizka (Киргизка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1897 at the own farm from “Iflyak”, Arabian stallion of the own farm, from “Gandjar” of Count Branitsky’s farm and “Kaleefa” (see “Kaleefa” for more details). Dam “Nerissa” (see “Nerissa” for more details).

1902 – mated with “Tybet”.

Kokhaylyanka (Кохайлянка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). White mare, born in 1891 in Arabia in Nedji (Nadj) tribe. Imported from Arabia by Arab Yakov Keshik in 1898.

1899 – aborted grey filly from “Abu-Argub”.

1900 – aborted grey filly from “Tybet”.

1901 – stillborn filly from “Sulta”.

1902 – aborted.

Kreol’Ka[61] (Креолька)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Dark bay mare, born in 1899 in Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Lok”. Dam “Kas’ka”.

Krzhyvda (Кржывда/Modern Крживда)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1890 at the own farm. Sire “Sem-khan”, imported Arabian stallion, bought in Cairo. Dam “Dalmatsiya” (see “Dalmatsiya” for more details).

1895 – red-grey filly “Parada” from “Rymnik” of the own farm.

1896 – without foal.

1897 – grey filly “Sardiniya” from “Esseg” of the own farm.

1898 – grey filly “Fessaliya” from “Rueli”.

1899 – grey colt “Vaideliot” from “Rueli”.

1900 – grey filly “Zhmiyka” from “Rueli”.

1901 – … filly “Astra” from “Ol’gerdom”.

Sold to Mr. Vertman in 1901.

Krymka (Крымка)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Bay mare, born in 1885 at L.G. Sadovsky’s farm. Sire “El-Bedevi”, imported from Arabia by G. Zimmerman. Dam “Kolchanka II” from “Kolchan”; granddam “Arabka” of L.G. Sadovsky’s farm.

1890 – grey colt “Shamil’” from “Shafran”. Burnt to death.

1891 – red colt “Krez” from “Osman”. Burnt to death.

1892 – dark bay filly “Orabeya” from “Osman”. Died.

1893-1894-1895-1896-1897 – offspring from stallion of other than Arabian bloods.

1898 – grey colt “Erzerum” from “Ekstsel’sior” of the own farm.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – no data provided.

1901 – red colt “Kalif” from “Khandjar”.

Kukulka (Кукулка)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Bay mare, born in 1891 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Kodyma” from “Ksenya” (dam) and “Okhota” (sire), son of “Abukir”, pureblood Arabian stallion of Count Branitsky’s farm.

Lama (Лама)

Belongs to Prince G. Radziwill (князь Г. Радзивилл). Dark-bay mare, born in 1881 in Man’kevichi[62], the former Prince A. Radziwill’s horse breeding farm of pureblood Arabian direction, which belonged to D. Orlov prior to that. Sire “Lovkiy” of the State Streletsky farm, from “Lorenzo”, son of “Iskusnik”, and “Lora”. Dam “Zikvata” of D. Orlov’s horse breeding farm.

1892 – bay filly “El’drida” from “Burun”.

1893 – bay colt “Suliman” from “Burun”. Sold to a man of property[63] Mr. Revensky.

1894 – dark-bay filly “Aresuza” from “Burun”.

Lebeda (Лебеда)

Belongs to V. Valevsky (В. Валевский). Grey mare, born in 1891 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm in Slavuta. Sire “Khandjar”, of Prince K. Branitsky’s farm. Dam “Pusta” (see “Pusta” for more details).

1898 – bay colt “Czapee pioro” from “Obeyanek”.

Legenda (Легенда)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1895 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Druga” (see “Druga” for more details).

1902 – bay filly from “Tybet”. Died.

Mated again, with “Sultan”.

Lezginka (Лезгинка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1895 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Zalyotnaya № 55” (Залётная № 55) from “Tsiprian” (Циприан), son of “Yamri” (Ямри), imported Arabian stallion; granddam “Melodiya № 148” (Мелодия № 148), born in 1874 from “Dervish” (Дервиш), imported Arabian stallion; great granddam “Contessa № 138” (Контесса № 138), born in 1864 from “Magomet-El-Gassan” (Магомет-Эл-Гассан), imported Arabian stallion; great great granddam “Perla № 101” (Перла № 101) (see “Perla” for more details).

1900 – Mated in Austria with stallion “Indostan”.

1901 – grey colt “Ganges” from “Indostan”.

1902 – without foal from “Tybet”. Mated again, with “Gul’ton”.

Lektyka (Лектыка)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1891 at the own farm. Sire “Rymnik” (1876). Dam “Litva”, born in 1871, from “Gadzi-El_mekka” of the own farm, born in 1863; granddam “Cheshka”- bay mare, born in 1863 at the own farm.

1896 – without foal.

1897 – grey filly “Stella II” from “Esseg” of the own farm.

1898 – grey filly “Veryta” from “Mazepa” of the own farm.

1899 – no data provided.

1900 – grey filly “Zagadka” from “Massado”.

1901 – … colt “Ametyst” from “Antar”.

Leleeva (Лелива)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Dark-red mare, born in 1893 in Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Lyadava” from “Lelya”, pureblood Arabian mare and “Ozhat”, son of “Abukir” of Count Branitsky’s farm.

Lesbiya (Лесбия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sangushko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1891 at the own farm[64]. Sire “Vodan”, imported from Arabia. Dam “Energiya”, born from “telegraf” in 1885 at the own farm; granddam “Nevzgoda”, born at the own farm in 1873.

1896 – aborted.

1897 – bay filly “Saragossa” from “Abu-Agrub”.

1899 – without foal.

1899 – bay colt “Vellinkton” from “Antar”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – without foal.

Lexiya (Лексия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1891 at the own farm. Sire “Gandjar”. Dam “Al’dona” (see “Al’dona for more details).

1896 – without foal.

1897 – bay colt “Somalis” from “Yussuf”.

1898 – red-grey filly “Tosmaniya” from “Seglawi-Djedran”.

1899 – grey colt “Ul’tsabor” from “Seglawi-Djedran”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … filly “Andalyuziya” from “Rueli”.

Ligiya (Лигия)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky Г.И. Еловицкий). Grey mare, born in 1895 at State Ozheninsky fram. Sire “Yank” from “Bukharka” (dam) and “Yashny” (sire) of the State Horse breeding farm. Dam “Leda”.

Lidiya (Лидия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red mare, born in 1891 at the own farm. Sire “Sem-khan” (Сем-хан), imported Arabian stallion bought in Cairo. Dam “Avstriya”, see “Avstriya” for more details).

1896 – aborted.

1897 – red filly “Semiramisa” from “Yussuf”.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – no recorded data.

1900 – red colt “Zantie” from “Mazepa”.

1901 – … filly “Akte” from “Djeylyan”.

Sold to Mr. Vertman in 1901.

Limita (Лимита)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1891 at the own farm. Sire “Gandjar”. Dam “Cuba”, born in 1870 at the own farm from “Gektor” of the own farm, born there in 1858. Granddam “Bella”, grey mare, born in 1860 at the own farm.

1896 – grey colt “Rustem” from “Dervish”. Died.

1897 – grey filly “Simpatiya” from “Yussuf”.

1898 – grey filly “Tarnovka” from “Sem-khan”.

1899 – grey filly “Valyoska” from “Sem-khan”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – without foal.

Lisbona (Лисбона)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1891 at the own farm[65]. Sire “Rymnik” of the own farm, born in 1876. Dam “Chitate”, born in 1883 at the own farm from “Inzhener”, granddam “Tarabuka” of the own farm, born in 1878

1896 – bay filly “Rea” from “Antar”. Died.

1897 – bay filly “Sekvala” from “Yussuf”.

1898 – bay filly “Ula” from “Antar”.

1899 – no recorded data.

1900 – dark bay colt “Zbignev” from “Seglyavi-Djedran”.

1901 – no recorded data.

Litka (Литка)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Bay, born in 1901 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Lok”. Dam “Ligiya”.

Lovnana (Ловнана)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Grey mare, born in 1898 at State Ozheninsky stud. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Lelya”.

Lora (Лора)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1888 at the own farm. Sire “Palatin” from “Yamri”, imported from Arabia in 1866, and “Kameliya № 148” born in 1864 at the own farm, from “Magomet-El-Gassan”, imported from Arabia in 1857 and “Balyada № 106”, born in 1856 at the own farm from “Amykheyl’”, Arabian stallion bought in Berlin in 1854 from an Arab, and “Sherina № 31”, born at the own farm in 1847. Dam “Dora № 249”, born at the own farm in 1875 from “Meleshan”, imported from Arabia in 1872, granddam “Sibilla” (see “Kadranka” for more details).

1896 – grey filly “Leera” from “Obeyan”. Sold to G. Shveytser in 1899.

1897 – bay filly “Lyagora” from “Iflyak”.

1898 – bay filly “Nora” from “Priam”.

1899 – red filly “Energiya” from “Tybet”.

1900 – grey filly “Elektra” from “Tybet”.

1901 – … colt from “Tybet”. Died.

1902 – bay colt “Loris” from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Tybet” again.

Lyuba (Люба)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1887 at the own farm. Sire “Zarif”, Arabian stallion from the Royal stud in Babolna, Austria. Dam “Pretsioza № 207” (see “Kaleefa “ for more details).

1893 – bay colt “Milyi” (Russian “Nice”, “Lovely”) from “Obeyan”. Sold to Lemberg in 1896.

1894 – bay filly “Urocha” from “Obeyan”. Sold to officer Bezkornilov in 1899.

1895 – without foal.

1896 – bay filly “Mila” from “Obeyan”.

1897 – bay filly “Krasna” form “Obeyan”.

1902 – without foal from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Lyal’Ka (Лялька)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1899 at State Ozheninsky Stud. Sire “Lok”. Dam “Leleeva”.

Lyarissa+ (Лярисса+) (Died In 1902)

Belonged to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Red mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion from the Royal Babolna stud in Austria. Dam “Kaleefa” (see “Kaleefa” for more details).

1900 – bay filly from “Abu-Argub”. Died.

1901 – red colt “Seinar” from “Tybet”.

Magnoliya (Магнолия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet-Eyub”, red-grey stallion, born in 1881 at the own farm. Dam “Tsetin’ya” born in 1883 from “Rymnik”; granddam “Slavuta”, bay mare born in 1877 at the own farm.

1897 – red colt “Slatin-Pasha” from “Kekhailan-Djedran”, imported Arabian stallion.

1898 – aborted.

1899 – bay filly “Uraniya” from “Seglawi-Djedran”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … colt “Adonis” from “Antar”.

Madera (Мадера)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Dun mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Zefir”, Arabian stallion from Royal Babolna Stud in Austria. Dam “Armida” (see “Armida“ for more details).

1897 – red-grey filly “Sarotta” from “Esset”.

1898 – bay filly “Tralala” from “Antar”.

1899 – bay filly “Venetsiya” from “Antar”.

1900 – grey colt “Zhuav” from “Rueli”.

1901 – … colt “Al’ger” from “Mazepa”.

Mazaika+ (Мазайка+) (Died In 1902)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). White mare, born in 1876 at the own farm. Sire “Dervish” (Дервиш) bought in Arabia via Consul in Constantinopole[66], Mr. Zimmerman, in 1870. Dam “Dzgoba № 213” from “Gadudi” Arabian stallion imported in 1857 from Arabia; granddam“Mamzel’ № 71” born in 1855 at the own farm from “Abukheyl’”, imported from Arabia in 1842; great granddam “Garena № 374” daughter of “Khaylyan” imported from Arabia in 1821, and a mare born at the own farm.

1893 – grey filly “Bayadera” from “Obeyan”. Promoted to brood mares department.

1894 – grey filly “Tsetsora” from “Obeyan”. Promoted to brood mares department.

1895-1896 – without foal.

1897 – grey colt “Natal’” from “Iflyak”.

1898 – grey filly “Andromakha” from “Priam”.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – grey colt “Flora” from “Ali-Kar”.

1901 – …

Mal’vina (Мальвина)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1891 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet”. Dam “Nadzeya” (see “Aga” for more details).

1896 – grey filly from “Obeyan”. Died.

1897 – bay colt from “Shafir” from “Iflyak”.

1898 – grey colt “Effendi II” from “Tybet”.

1899 – bay colt “Bomus” from “Tybet”.

1900 – bay filly from “Abu-Argub”. Died.

1901 – …

1902 – bay colt “Everest” from “Tybet”.

Mated with “Tybet” again.

Man’kovka (Маньковка)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Black mare, born in 1889 at Ya.K. Sulyatytsky’s farm. Sire “Reebera II”, son of “Ribeera I”, Arabian stallion of Count Branitsky’s farm.

Maruta (Марута)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Black mare, born in 1900 at the State Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Man’kovka”.

Matrona (Матрона)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Black mare, born in 1898 at the State Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Man’kovka”.

Mel’pomena (Мельпомена)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet-Eyub” of the own farm, born in 1881. Dam “Trikheena” of the own farm; born in 1878 from “Gadzi-Akhmet”, bay stallion of the own farm, who was born in 1868; granddam “Nafta”, grey mare, born at the own farm in 1873.

1897 – without foal.

1898 – grey filly “Tencha” from “Rueli”.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – bay filly “Kgantypa” from “Yussuf”.

1901 – … colt “Admiral” from “Myzafer-Pasha”.

Metelya+ (Метеля+) (Died In 1901)

Belonged to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Zarif”, Arabian stallion from Royal Babolna Stud in Austria. Dam “Smirna № 77” of the own farm; born in 1885 from “Palatin”, son of “Yamri” (see “Lora” for more details); granddam “Druga” (see “Druga” for more details).

1900 – mated with “Ali-Kar”.

1901 – black filly “Dissa” from “Ali-Kar”.

Meduza (Медуза)

Belongs to L.Z. Valevsky (Л.З. Валевский). Bay mare, born in 1892 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm in Slavuta. Sire “Abu-Argub” (see “Abu-Argub” for more details). Dam “Gvineya № 453” (Гвинея № 453) (1887) from “Obeyan” (Обейан), imported Arabian stallion; granddam “Tetis № 357” (Тетис), born in 1878 from “Inzhener” (Инженер) (1868); great granddam “Gama № 270” (Гама), born in 1868, at Prince Sanguszko’s farm.

1897 bay filly “Bayadera” from “Obeyanek”.

1898 – offspring died due to “myt”[67].

Milyada (Миляда)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet-Eyub” of the own farm, born in 1881. Dam “Gaskoniya”, born at the own farm in 1887 from “Atyk” (see “Atyk” for more details); granddam “Leleeva” of the own farm, born in 1871.

1897 – grey colt “Selim” from “Yussuf”.

1898 – grey filly “Trebizonda” from “Antar”, imported Arabian stallion.

1899 – grey colt “Vikher” from “Sem-khan”.

1900 – … colt from “Rueli”. Died.

1901 – without foal.

Mimi (Мими)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Grey mare, born in 1895 at the State Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Niron” from ”Neptun” (sire) and “Gamma” (dam) of Kievsky horse breeding farm. Dam “Meena” from “Okhota” (sire) and “Myshka” (dam).

Mitava (Митава)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Abu-Argub”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Branka”, born in 1882 from “Rymnik” of the own farm; granddam “Stellya”, born at the own farm in 1877.

1897 – grey filly “Sveetezyanka” from “Sem-khan”.

1898-1899 – without foal.

1900 – red colt “Zaglob” from “Seglyavi-Djedran”. Died.

1901 – filly “Amazonka” from “Antar”.

Mulatka (Мулатка)

Belongs to L.Z. Valevsky (Л.З. Валевский). Dark-bay mare, born in 1892 at the Prince Sanguszko’s farm in Slavuta. Sire “Abu-Argub”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Zalepa”, born in 1880 from “Khadji-Akhmet” (1868), the son of “Kogeylan-Abu-Argub”, imported from Arabia in 1858, and “Viedak”, imported Arabian mare (imported in 1862). Granddam “Gorgeous № 171” (imported in 1856), born from “Djimbulat” (1847); great granddam “Nemka № 45”, born in 1843 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm.

1896 – grey colt “Bunchuk” from “Attyk”.

1897 – seal-brown colt “Khoronzhi” from “Obeyanek”. Sold to Zymunt Komekhem.

Narva (Нарва)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Abu-Argub”. Dam “Gavanna”, born in 1888 from “Gandjar”, red Arabian stallion. Granddam “Restavratsiya”, bay mare born at the own farm in 1876.

1898 – bay colt “Turist” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – bay colt “Vezuviy” from “Yussuf”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … filly “Al’mavira” from “Muzafer-Pasha”.

Natura (Натура)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet-Eyub” of the own farm; born in 1881. Dam “Bartselona”, bown in 1882 from “Rymnik” of the own farm, born in 1876; granddam “Slavuta”, bay mare, born in 1877 at the own farm.

1898 – red colt “Telemak” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – bay filly “Vichentsa” from “Yussuf”.

1900 – … filly “Zerlina” from “Antar”. Died.

1901 – … colt from “Il’derim”. Died.

Negressa (Негресса)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Bay mare, born in 1889 at the own farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Uliss” for more details). Dam “Nadeefa”, born in Arabia in Diarberkir in 1877, and brought under her dam “Kogeyley” by Mr. Zimmerman. Her sire was “Kogeyl’-Sarigali”, of Nedji (Nadj) strain.

Offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Nekrasa (Некраса)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Kekhaylan-Djedran”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Grammatika” (see “Grammatika” for more details).

1898 – bay filly “T’eida” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – bay filly “Valgallya” from “Abu-Argub”, imported Arabian stallion.

1900 – without foal. Sold to Prince Belosel’sky in 1900.

Nemezis (Немезис)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Black mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Antar”, imported from Arabia. Dam “Arabia”, born at the own farm in 1881 from “Inzhener”, born at the own farm in 1869; granddam “Loyata” (or “Noyata”), born in 1875 at the own farm.

1898 – bay colt “Texas” from “Dervish”, imported Arabian stallion.

1899 – grey filly “Zaverukha” from “Rueli”.

1900 – no recorded data.

1901 – … colt “Anizet” from “Muzafer-Pasha”.

Nerissa (Нерисса)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1889 at the own farm. Sire “Palatin” (see “Lora” for more details). Dam “Druga” (see “Druga” for more details).

1894 – grey filly “Al’moda” from “Obeyan”. Sold to G. Ol’shevsky in 1899.

1895 – no record.

1896 – grey filly “Begina” from “Obeyan”. Sold to G. Shveytser in 1900.

1897 – grey filly “Kirgizka” from “Iflyak”.

1898 – grey filly from “Priam”. Died.

1899 – grey colt “Sal’vator! From “Priam”.

1900 – grey colt “Impul’s” from “Tybet”.

1901 – bay colt from “Sultan”. Died on the 20th of May.

1902 – without foal from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Niva (Нива)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1888 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet”, Arabian stallion, born at Count Ks. Branitsky’s farm in 1880 from”Al’merik” (sire) and “B’entka” (dam), Arabian mare bought at the farm in 1886. Dam “Liga” № 243” (Лига № 243) Arabian mare of the own farm, born in 1873 from “Gadudi” (Гадуди) Arabian stallion, imported from Arabia in 1857 from Arab Anaze-Bual’-Gadbei, and bought at a horse breeding farm Kladrub[68] in Austria; granddam “Lyuna № 194”, born in 1868 from “Vyanka” Arabian stallion of Count Branitsky’s farm from Shamraevka (Шамраевка). “Vyanka” (Вянка) was son of imported Arabian stallion “Vernet” (Вернет). Great granddam “Koketka № 120” (Кокетка), born in 1861 from “Anaze” (Аназе) imported from Arabia in 1858; great great granddam “Fabiola № 65” (Фабиола № 65), born in 1853 from “Shumka II” (Шумка II) imported from Arabia in 1842; great great great granddam “Bianka № 35”[69] (Бианка) of the own farm, born in 1832.

1897 – without foal.

1898 – sealbrown filly “Lan’” from “Tybet” imported Arabian stallion.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – bay colt “Effendi I” from “Tybet”.

1901 – bay filly “Skeeba” from “Tybet”.

1902 – red colt “shefakat” from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Niniva (Нинива)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1895 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Yancharka” (see “Yancharka” for more details).

1902 – red colt “Telish” from “Tybet”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Niniva (Нинива)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Dark bay mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Kekhaylan-Djedran”. Dam “Gadzemba”, born in 1887 from “Rymnik” of 1876; granddam “Brumala” (see “Brumala” for more details).

1898 – without foal.

1899 – bay colt “Vulkan” from “Yussuf”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … filly “Angliya” from “Seglyavi-Djedran”.

Sold to Mr. Vertman in 1901.

Nirvana (Нирвана)

Belongs to V. Valevsky (В. Валевский). Buckskin mare, born in 1893 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm in Slavuta. Sire “Kogeylan-Djedran”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Ekspeditsiya № 446”, born in 1885 from “Utrekht” (1867), the son of “Inzhener” and “Gama”, and “Telimena № 360”, born in 1878 from “Ezrak-Seglawi” and “Dorita № 178” (1858).

Nitsa (Ница)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Kekhaylan-Djedran”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Sitsiliya”, born at the own farm on 1877 from “Yagello” of the own farm (from 1869); granddam “Gezellya II”, born in 1858 at the own frm.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – bay filly “Varta” from “Yussuf”.

1900 – … filly “Zukhvala” from “Rueli”. Died.

1900 – Sold to Mr. Pink.

Niagara (Ниагара)

Belongs to V. Valevsky (В. Валевский). White mare, born in 1873 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm in Slavuta. Sire “Banko” from “Abukheyl’”, imported Arabian stallion, bought beyond Damascus in 1854; granddam “Virginiya”, born in 1850 from “Serakh” (1837), great granddam “El’maza” from 1841. Dam “Esperance № 258”, born in 1865 from “Abu-Argub”, imported Arabian stallion, bought in 1858 in Khama. Granddam “Miranda”, born in 1852 from “Batran-Aga”, imported Arabian stallion; great granddam “Sirota № 388”, born in 1837 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm.

1896 – grey colt “Al’kakador” from “Abu-Argub”.

1897 – aborted.

1898 – …

1899 – …

1900 – …

1901 – …

Niobe (Ниобе)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Kekhaylan-Djedran”, Arabian stallion bought brom Turk Anuzyarov in Warsaw. Dam “Sparta”, born in 1877 from “Ezrak-Seglawi”, white stallion imported from Arabia; granddam “Afganka”, grey mare, born in 1861 at the own farm.

1898 – bay colt “Fel-Et-Kebir” from “Antar”.

1899 – bay filly “Varna” from “Abu-Argub”, imported Arabian stallion.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – without foal.

Novarra (Новарра)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born at the own farm. Sire “Antar” (see “Antar” for more details). Dam “Avstriya” (see “Astriya” for more details).

1898 – bay colt “Torped” from “Abu-Argub”.

1899 – bay filly “Upila” from “Seglawi-Djedran”.

1900 – bay colt “Ksepofan” from “Seglyavi-Djedran”.

1901 – … filly “Argentina” from “Djeylyan”.

Novellya (Новелля)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, born in Arabia in 1882, bought in India from Lord William Beresford[70]. Dam “Epopeya № 263” (see “Yaskulka” for more details).

1898 – aborted.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – bay colt “Epos” from “Tybet”.

1901 – grey filly “Stella” from “Sultan”.

1902 – light grey filly “Idyllya” from “Tybet”.

Mated with “Tybet” again.

Norvegiya (Норвегия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Dark grey mare, born in 1893 at the own frm. Sire “Antar” (see “Antar” for more details). Dam ”Terapiya” (Russian for “Therapy”), born in 1878 from “Inzhener”, at the own farm from 1869; granddam “Gerbovna”, born in 1868 at the own farm.

1898 – grey filly “Vollombrossa” from “Rueli”.

1899 – no data recorded.

1900 – grey colt “Yankets” from “Rueli”.

1901 – … colt “Alikar” from “Arslyan”.

Normandiya (Нормандия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Kekhaylan-Djedran”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Al’dona” (see “Al’dona” for more details).

1898 – grey filly “Telega” from “Abu-Argub”.

1899 – grey filly “Vaza” from “Massiad”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … filly “Abbaziya” from “Seglyavi-Djedran”.

Nubiya (Нубия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1893 at the own farm. Sire “Antar”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Thetis”, born in 1878 at the own farm from “Inzhener”; granddam “Gama”, born in 1868 at the own farm.

1898 – bay colt “Tuarek” from “Seglawi-Djedran”.

1899 – bay filly “Ukraina” from “Seglawi-Djedran”.

1900 – bay colt “Zukh” from “Mazepa”.

1901 – … filly “Alzatsiya” from “Mazepa”.

Oaza II (Оаза II)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Antar”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Entsiklopediya” (see “Entsiklopediya” for more details).

1898 – bay filly “Verba” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – no recorded data.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – without foal.

Obel’ga (Обельга)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Antar” (see “Antar” for more details). Dam “Trikhina”, born in 1878 at the own farm from “Gadzi-Akhmet” born in 1868; granddam “Nafta”, born at the own farm in 1873.

1898 – bay filly “Visla” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – no recorded data.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – without foal.

Odaliska (Одалиска)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Light brown, born in 1881 at S.V. Shusitsky’s farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Ulliss” for more details). Dam “Kolchanka I” from “Kolchan” (sire) and “Arabka” (dam). Offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Odaliska II (Одалиска II)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Dark grey mare, born in 1886 at the own farm. Sire “Abdul-Azis” (see “Antonida” for more details). Dam “Odaliska I” from “Obeyan” son of “Osman”, imported from Arabia; granddam “Sil’viya” (see “Alleya” for more details).

1892 – grey colt from “Gassan”, of Krenovsky farm. Sold to Mr. Berens in 1894.

1893 – red colt from “Gassan”. Sold to Mr. Berens in 1895.

1894 – without foal.

1895 – bay filly “Gartenziya” from “Gassan”. Promoted to brood mare department in 1899.

1896-1899 – offspring from English Thoroughbred stallions.

1900 – …

1901 – …

Olyka (Олыка)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Dark-grey mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Rymnik” of the own farm, born in 1876. Dam ”Niagara”, born in 1873 at the own farm from “Banko”, grey stallion of the own farm, born in 1857; granddam “Esperance”, bay mare, born in 1865 at the own farm.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – red filly “Zizaniya” from “Yussuf”.

1900 – no recorded data.

1901 – … colt “Allaris” from “Antar”.

Omara (Омара)

Belongs to N.A. Strenkovsky (Н.А. Стренковский). Red-grey mare, born in 1888 at K.K. Kazimir’s farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Uliss” for more details). Dam “Slichka”, Arabian mare of A.G. Sadovsky’s farm, born from “El-Bedevi”, imported Arabian stallion; granddam “Slichka” of Shveykovsky’s farm, born from “Gol’ts”, Arabian stallion of Prince R.V. Sanguszko’s farm, and mare “Slichnaya”.

Omega (Омега)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Antar” (see “Antar” for more details). Dam “Dul’tsineya”, grey mare, born in 1884 from “Rymnik” (1876); granddam “Utopiya”, born in 1879 at the own farm.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – bay colt “Znicho” from “Abu-Argub”.

1900 – … filly “Alyaska” from “MAzepa”.

1901 – no recorded data.

Optima (Оптима)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Rymnik” of the own farm. Dam “Zenobiya”, born in 1880 from “Ezrak-Seglawi”, white stallion imported from Arabia; granddam “Medina”, grey mare, born in 1872.

1899 – grey colt “Vagram” from “Yussuf”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … filly “Armenia” from “Ol’gerd”. Sold to G. Vertman in 1901.

Orleanka (Орлеанка)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Antar” see “Antar” for more details). Dam “Avstriya” (see “Avstriya” for more details).

1898 – without foal.

1899 – aborted.

1900 – … colt from “Mazepa”. Sold at young age to Mr. Kuberskoy in 1901.

Orkhidea (Орхидеа)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Bodan”, bay Arabian stallion, bought in 1888 in Cairo from G. Zimmerman. Dam “Geroinya”, born in 1888 from “Brilliant” born in 1882 at the own farm; granddam “Tseres”, born in 1882.

1898 – grey colt “Vali” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – … colt “Abukir” from “Muzafer-Pasha”.

Sold to the State Horse Breeding in Germany in 1901.

Ofeliya (Офелия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Abu-Argub” (see “Abu-Argub” for more details). Dam “Shchensna”, grey mare born in 1877 from “Kogeyl-Nezjda” ”Kekhaylan-Nedji”, imported from Arabia; granddam “Gersyliya” born in 1868.

1899 – Aborted.

1900 – bay filly “Zapra” from “Antar”.

1901 – without foal.

Oferta (Оферта)

Grey mare, born in 1894 at the own farm[71]. Sire “Evklid”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Serra”, grey mare, born in 1877 from “Kogeyl-Nezhda” (see above), granddam “Geral’dika”, born in 1886 at the own farm.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – no recorded data.

1900 – red colt “Zavish” from “Mazepa”.

1901 – … filly “Al’gebra” from “Djeylyan”.

Pal’mira (Пальмира)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1895 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Kheeva” (see “Kheeva” for more details).

1902 – mated with “Sultan”.

Pal’mira (Пальмира)

Belongs to P.A. Shimansky (П.А. Шиманский). Red mare, born in 1896 at the own farm, height 2 arshins 1 ¾ inches. Sire “Palatin”, son of “Sherif”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Biruta”.

Parsalya (Парсаля)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Red mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, black, imported Arabian stallion of the Royal Babolna stud in Austria. Dam “Kheeva” (see “Kheeva” for more details).

1900 – bay filly “Dora” from “Abu-Argub”.

1901 – without foal.

1902 – bay colt from “Sultan”. Died.

Mated with “Sultan”.

Podolyanka (Подолянка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1887 at the own farm. Sire “Faraon”[72], imported from Arabia from Ibn-ed-Derri from Ressalin, of Seglawi-Djedran strain. Bought from Bedouin tribe Sebaa-Anaze by Mr. Blunt and brought to England. Bought from England in 1882 for the farm. Dam “Pretsioza № 207” from “Yamri” and “Latka” (see “Kheeva” for more details).

1891 – bay colt “Khotsip” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Lemberg in 1896.

1892 – …

1893 – bay colt from “Obeyan”. Died in 1894.

1894 – without foal.

1895 – bay colt “Sybir”, from “Obeyan”. Sold to Lemberg in 1897.

1896 – bay colt “Sirdar” from “Antar”. Sold to Lemberg in 1899.

1897 – bay colt from “Gemdani”. Died in 1897.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – bay colt from “Abu-Argub”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – bay filly “Volynyanka” from “Tybet”.

1902 – red filly “Postava” from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Pusta (Пуста)

Belongs to V. Valevsky (В. Валевский). Grey mare, born in 1875 at Prince Sanguszko’s farm in Slavuta. Sire “Banko” (see “Niagara’s” pedigree for more details). Dam “Geral’dika” born in 1868 from “Emir-Beshir”, imported Arabian stallion; granddam “Lyuba № 291” born in 1860 from “Kekhaylan-Abu-Argub”, imported from Arabia in 1858; great granddam “Prushina”.

1896 – grey colt “ali” from “Dervish”, imported Arabian stallion. Sold to a man of property Adam Zavadsky.

1897 – without foal.

1898 – bay colt “Shorshin” from “Obeyanik”.

Rustanka (Рустанка)

Belongs to Shimansky (Шиманский). Red mare, born in 1890 at the own far. Height 2 arshins 2 inches. Sire “Palatin” of the own farm, from “Sherif”, imported Arabian stallion, and “Sfera” of Prince Sanguszko’s farm, the daughter of imported Arabian stallion and “Yamri” (see “Kheeva” for more details). Dam “Muza” from “Sherif”, imported Arabian stallion, granddam “Ballada II”, born in 1872 at the Prince R.Ye. Sanguszko’s farm from “Tereyfi”, imported Arabian stallion; great granddam “Uryka” from “Feruk-Khan”, imported Arabian stallion which was owned by Prince Sanguszko.

1895 – bay colt “Obeyan” from “Obeyan” imported Arabian stallion, of Count I. Potocki’s farm. Was promoted to the farm’s producers in 1899.

1896 -1897 – without foal.

1898-1899 – offspring from unknown stallion “Polyak”.

1900 – …

1901 – red filly “Aza” from “Mustafa”.

Rueli (Руэли)

From State Derkulsky horse breeding farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). Grey mare, born in 1895 in Arabia at Ruella tribe. Was considered as the best among horses owned by the said tribe. Sire – famous stallion “Shumam”. Dam – famous among Anaze tribes brood mare “Seklavi”. Presented to the Russian emperor by Kair Shevfik in 1900.

1901 – mated.

1902 – red-grey filly “Zarema” from “Zarif”.

Sveetezyanka[73] (Свитезянка)

Belongs to Count V. Potocki (граф В. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1882 at Count Ks. Brzhozovsky’s farm. Sire “Amul’” from imported Arabian stallion “Allah” and “Gereziya”, daughter of “Gassanbek”, of Count Branitsky’s Belotserkovsky farm. Dam “Kimul’djina”, white mare from Count Ks. Brzhozovsky’s farm, from Arabian stallion “Kekhayl’”, imported from Mesopotamia, born at Bedouin tribe Beni-Sokkhr, at Sheikh Abu-Magomed-Daruri’s court; from “Kekhayl’-el-Agur”, son of “Kekhayl’-Tureyfi”, grandson of “Kekhayl’-Djelfi” and mare “Koglya-Biyut-el-Matarif”; granddam “Bayaderka” of Count Ks. Brzhozovsky’s farm, descending from imported Arabian horses of Kekhaylan strain.

Semiramida (Семирамида)

From the State Derkulsky Horse Breeding farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод. Grey mare, born in 1885 at the State Streletsky farm). Sire “Surmali Karabakh”, from “Gornostay” and a mare of Karabakh breed. Dam “Kabarda”, of Limarevsky Arabian horse breeding farm, from “Keylan”, imported Arabian stallion; granddam “Lammi-Kaatun”, bought in Arabia in 1862, of Dakhma-El-Lamer strain.

1900 – greenish-brown colt “Muzafer-Pasha” from “Muzafer-Pasha”.

1901 – grey filly “Esmeralda” from “El-Kader”.

1902 – grey filly “Zela” from “Zarif”.

Slepaya (Слепая)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Bay mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Abdul-Azis”. Dam “Shaika” (see “Shaika” for more details).

Smyala” (Смяла)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Bay mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion, bought in 1882 in India from Lord Beresford. Dam “Svetny № 245”, brood mare of the own farm.

Telimena (Телимена)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Black mare, born in 1901 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Trusya”.

Trusya (Труся)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И. Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1895 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Niron”. Dam “Telizhanka III” from “Telizhanka II” and “Ataman II”, son of “Ataman I”, Arabian stallion of Prince Sanguszko’s farm.

Turchinka (Турчинка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1883 at Count Ks. Brzhozovsky’s farm. Sire “Amul’” (see “Sveetezyanka” for more details). Dam “Yadera” from “Alepo”, Arabian stallion bought in city of Aleppo from the English Consul M. Kend, from “El-Beduri” (sire) and “Sergiya-Shabb” (dam); granddam “Ksesya”, of Selawiey strain.

Ugroza (Угроза)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Dark-grey mare, born in 1885 at the State Streletsky horse breeding farm. Sire “Ulem” of the Prince R. Sanguszko’s farm, from “Ezrak-Seglawi” and “Leeda”. Dam “Bravaya” of Streletsky farm, from “Bivuak”, son of “Beztsenny II” and “Atava”; granddam “Kuropatka” from “Komchadal”; great-granddam “Evpatoriya” from “Eney”; great great granddam “Megera”from “Djantemir Trukhmensky”.

1891-1892 – offspring from “Osman” burnt to death.

1893-1899 – offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Undina (Ундина)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Red mare, born in 1890 at the own farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Uliss” for more details). Dam “Ufa” (see “Ufa” for more details).

Offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Urgenda (Ургенда)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Dark-grey mare, born in 1885 at the State Streletsky Horse Breeding farm. Sire “Ulem” (see “Ugroza” for more details). Dam “Smirna”, of the State Streletsky farm, from “Seklavi”, imported from Arabia; granddam “Ovsyanka” from “Obeyan II”, silver grey stallion of the Prince R.Ye. Sanguszko’s farm’ great granddam “Bogataya” of Streletsky farm from “Benderets”; great great granddam “Giyena” from “Genriad”, English Thoroughbred stallion; great great great granddam “Kukushka” from “Anubis”; great great great great granddam “Klikusha” from “Galun”; great great great great great granddam “Kulevshi” from “Gulak”; great great great great great great granddam “Barka” from “Dikan”; “7 times great” granddam “Barynya” from “Pers”, Persian stallion.

1890-1891 – without foal.

1892 – grey colt “Urkhan” from “Osman”, burnt to death.

1893 – dark-grey colt “Orient-Omegar” from “Osman”. Promoted to stallions-producers department.

Urna (Урна)

From the State Derkulsky horse breeding farm (Государственный Деркульский Конный завод). Bay mare, born in 1886 at the State Streletsky Horse Breeding farm. Sire “Ulem” (see “Ugroza” for more details). Dam “Shaika” (see “Shaika” for more details).

1899 – red colt “Garus” from “Gassan” of Streletsky farm.

1900 – bay colt “Tagay” from “Tavus”.

1901 – bay filly “Selima” from “Sem-khan”.

1902 – bay filly “Zarifa” from “Zarif”.

Ufa (Уфа)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Grey mare, born in 1885 at the State Streletsky horse breeding farm. Sire “Ulem” (see “Ugroza” for more details). Dam “Kruchina” of Streletsky farm, from “Kaymak”, imported Arabian stallion; granddam “Balta” from “Beztsenny”; great granddam “Evridika” from “Efiur” imported from Arabia; great great granddam “Manzhetka” from “Magomet-Boyar-Khan” imported from Arabia; great great great granddam “Talannaya” from “Takhterivan Trukhmensky”.

1890 – red filly “Undina” from “Osman”. Promoted to brood mares’ department of the farm.

1891 – golden-bay colt “Uliss” from “Osman”. Sold to Mr. Surenkovsky.

After that offspring was from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Fantaziya III (Фантазия III)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1886 at the own farm. Sire “Zenta” of the own farm, born in 1880. Dam “Zampa”, grey mare from “Gadzi-Akhmet” of the own farm, born in 1868, granddam “Roskoshnaya”[74], born in 1856 at the own farm.

1891 – grey filly “Livadiya” from “Gandjar”.

1892 – grey filly “Medina II” from “Sem-khan”. Sold to G. Peretyatkevich in 1896.

1893-1894 – without foal.

1895 – grey colt “Priam” from “Dervish”, imported from Arabia.

1896 – grey filly “Roma” from “Sem-khan”.

1897 – grey filly “Sarmatka” from “Sem-khan”.

1898 – grey filly “Tamiza” from “Abu-Argub”. Died.

1899 – grey colt “Velosiped” from “Massiad”.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … colt “Agram” from “Muzafer-Pasha”.

Frida (Фрида)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1889 at the own farm. Sire “Akhmet” (see Neeva” for more details. Dam “Liga” (see “Neeva” for more details).

1896 – without foal.

1897 – red colt “Grif” from “Iflyak”.

1898 – aborted.

1899 – stillborn twins.

1900 – grey filly “Aktyorka” from “Tybet”.

1901 – …

1902 – red colt “Fakir” from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Khvala (Хвала)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1897 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Lok”. Dam “Khitra”.

Khvilya (Хвиля)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1901 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Lok”. Dam “Khitra”.

Kheeva+ (Хива+) (died in 1902)

Belonged to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Red mare, born in 1875 at the own farm. Sire “Yamri” (see “Lora” for more details). Dam “Latka № 102” born in 1858 from “Iskander-Pasha”[75], son of “Batran-Aga” imported from Arabia in 1842, granddam “Armida № 8”[76], born in 1838, great granddam “Geeda № 45”, born in 1845 from “Obeyan”, bay stallion imported from Arabia in 1826; by Arutin; great great granddam № 437 Buzhinskaya mare, born in 1839 from “Benisar”, imported from Arabia in 1821.

1887 – golden-red filly “Zarifka” from “Zarif”. Promoted to brood mares’ department, № 88.

1888 – bay filly from “Akhmet”. Died in 1890.

1889 – bay colt “Delfin” from “Akhmet”. Sold to G. Evid in 1895.

1890 – bay filly from “Akhmet”. Killed herself accidentally in 1894.

1891 – without foal.

1892 – red colt “Tybet” from “Zarif”. Promoted to stallion producers department in 1897.

1893 – without foal.

1894 – red filly “Parsalya” from “Obeyan” from Babolna. Promoted to brood mares’ department № 157.

1893 – without foal.

1894 – bay filly “Palmira” from “Obeyan”.

1896 – bay filly “Djal’mi” from “Obeyan”.

1897 – bay colt “Kraychi” from “Antar”, imported Arabian stallion of Prince Sanguszko’s farm.

1898 – bay filly from “Priam”. Died in 1898.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – red colt “Emma” from “Ali-Kar”.

1901 – seal brown colt “Fadil’” from “Ali-Kar”.

Khimera (Химера)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Bay mare, born in 1896 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Lok”.

Dam “Khitra”.

Khitra (Хитра)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Red mare, born in 1891 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d” from Arabian mare “Shpachka” of K.Ya. Sulyatytsky’s farm and pureblood stallion “Trefi” of Count Branitsky’s farm. Dam “Khmurka” from “Khrysya” and Arabian stallion “Kafarka”.

Khmara (Хмара)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Bay mare, born in 1898 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Lok”.

Dam “Khitra”.

Khrapka (Храпка)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Bay mare, born in 1900 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Lok”.

Dam “Khitra”.

Tsigaretta (Цигаретта)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1882 at the own farm. Sire “Inzhener” of the own farm, born in 1869. Dam “Trikhina” (see “Mel’pomena” for details).

1888 – red filly “Gedzheera” from “Gandjar” imported Arabian stallion.

1889 – red filly “Yunosha” from “Gandjar”.

1890 – without foal.

1891 – bay colt “Lezgin” from “Vodan”. Sold to G. Rositsky in 1896.

1892 – bay colt “Mendog” from “Attyk”.

1893 – without foal.

1894 – grey colt “Ol’kush” from “Rymnik”.

1895 – red colt “Petroleum” from “Sem-khan”.

1896 – was not used.

1897 – bay colt “Sheikh” from “Antar”.

1898 – grey colt “Triumf” from “Rueli”, imported Arabian stallion.

1899 – grey filly “Vestalk” from “Rueli”, imported Arabian stallion.

1900 – without foal.

1901 – … colt “Atyll” from “Rueli”.

Tsetsora (Цецора)

Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1894 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Mazayka” (see “Mazayka” for more details).

1900 – grey filly “Neva” from “Tybet”.

1901 – …

1902 – without foal from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Sultan” again.

Tsykoriya (Цыкория)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Grey mare, born in 1889 at Ya.K. Sulyatytsky’s farm. Sire “Druid”. Dam “Tsykoriya”.

Tsyupa (Цюпа)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Grey mare, born in 1894 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Gerol’d”. Dam “Tsykoriya”.

Tsyatsya (Цаца)

Belongs to G.I. Yelovitsky (Г.И Еловицкий). Grey mare, born in 1889 at Ozheninsky farm. Sire “Lok”.

Dam “Tsyupa”.

Shayka (Шайка)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П.Эрдели). Greenish-brown mare, born in 1876 in Limarsky stud of Arabian direction. Sire “Sherif”, imported Arabian stallion. Dam “Alupka” from “Alietmeza” – Kharabakh stallion; granddam “Obnova”, great great granddam “Smelaya” of Chesmensky farm, from “Saklavi”, imported Arabian stallion. Great great great granddam “Tsekhra”, imported Arabian mare, from Arabia.

1893 – bay colt “Faraon” from “Faraon” imported Arabian stallion.

1894 – bay filly “Slepaya” from “Abu-Argub”.

In the following years offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

Evreka (Эврека)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Bay mare, born in 1885 at the own farm. Sire “Arabi-Pasha”, Arabian stallion of Tarnovsky farm in Austria. Dam “Galitsiya”, born in 1867 from “Marymak” of the own farm, born in 1859, granddam “Pruzhina” born in 1846 at the own farm.

1890 – red- grey filly “Kreditiva” from “Znak” of the own farm.

1891 – without foal.

1892 – was not used.

1893 – bay filly “Nyanza” from “Kogeylan-Djedran”.

1894 – bay filly “Odissa” from “Kogeylan-Djedran”. Sold to the State Department of Horse Breeding in Austria.

1895 – aborted.

1896 – bay filly “Rokholyana” from “Kogeylan-Djedran”. Sold horse grooms in 1898.

1897 – bay colt “Salaam” from “Kogeylan-Djedran”.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – bay colt “Vitenes” from “SEglawi-Djedran”.

1900 – …

1901 – …

El’ba (Эльба)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1885 at the own farm. Sire “Telegraf” of the own farm, born in 1878. Dam “Registratura” born in 1876 from “Kogeyl’-Nezhda”, imported from Arabia; granddam “Gamza”, grey mare, born in 1868 at the own farm.

1890 – bay filly “Kokota” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Mr. Sokolovsky in 1894.

1891 – without foal.

1892 – grey colt “Mfdjar” from “Gandjar”. Sold to the State horse breeding department in Saint Petersburg in 1894.

1893 – without foal.

1894 – red colt “Oglu” from “Rymnik” of the own farm. Sold to Mr. Sadovsky in 1899.

1895 – bay filly “Polyargoniya” from “Abu-Argub”.

1896 – grey colt “Ral’pkh” from “Antar”.

1897 – bay colt “Sindik” from “Abu-Argub”.

1898 – grey colt “Timbuktu” from “Rueli”.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – bay colt “Zizgak” from “Antar”.

1901 – … colt “Astset” from “Rueli”.

El’kara II (Элькара II)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Bay mare, born in 1889 at the own farm. Sire “Osman” (see “Uliss” for more details). Dam “El’kara I” of A.G. Sadovsky’s farm, from “El’kar” of Prince R.Ye. Sanguszko’s farm, which was the son of “Abykheyl’”, imported from Arabia, and “Simra” from “Skanderum” (sire) and “Pera” (dam) of Prince Sanguszko’s farm; granddam “Arabka.”

Offspring from stallions of other than Arabian blood.

El’karovna (Элькаровна)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Grey mare, born in 1879 at A.G. Sadovsky’s farm. Sire “El’kar” (see “El’kara II” for more details). Dam “Kolchanka III” from “Kolchan” and “Arabka”.

1888 – red-grey colt “Emir” from “Osman”. Serving as a sire at steppe department.

1889 – dark grey colt “Efir” from “Osman” Sold to K.K. Kazimir.

1890 – grey colt “Ekstselsior” from “Osman”. Sold to “korn.” Pozhoga.

1891 – red colt “Eskhill” from “Yanychar”. Sold to the State Horse Breeding department.

1892 – without foal.

1893 – dark-grey colt “El’kar” from “Gassan”.

1894 – bay colt “Evripid” from “Eskhill”. Sold to the State Horse Breeding department.

1895 – seal brown colt “Egir” from “Olimp”. Sold to Mr. von-Derviz.

1896-1898 – without foal.

1899 – bay colt “Ali” from “Abdel-Kader”.

1900 – …

1901 – …

El’ma II (Эльма II)

Belongs to K.K. Kazimir (К.К. Казимир). Grey mare, born in 1885 at A.G. Sadovsky’s farm. Sire “El-Bedevi” (see “Gazel’” for more details). Dam “El’ma I” born in 1878 at L.G. Sadovsky’s farm from “El’kadi” son of “El’kar” and Arabian brood mare of Prince Sanguszko’s farm. Granddam “Obeyanka” of the Prince R.Ye. Sanguszko’s farm from “Obeyan”, imported Arabian stallion.

1890 – grey filly “Djenadel’” from “Shafran”. Promoted to brood mares’ department.

1891 – grey filly from “Osman”. Burnt to death.

1892 – grey filly from “Osman”. Burnt to death.

1893 – bay colt “Eklips” from “Eskhill”. Sold to G. Leonard.

1894 – grey filly “Etna” from “Eskhill”. Promoted to brood mares’ department.

1895 – without foal.

1896 – bay filly “Orkhideya” from “Olimp”.

1897 – red filly “Rip-Rip” from “Rastochitel’”, English Thoroughbred.

1898 – without foal.

1899 – grey filly “Ella” from “Ekstselsior”.

1900 – …

1901 – …

El’me (Эльме)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red-grey mare, born in 1885 at the own farm. Sire “Arabi-Pasha”. Dam “Zenobiya” from “Ezrak-Seglawi”; granddam “Medina”, born in 1872 at the own farm.

1890 – red filly “Kalumbiya” from “Znak”. Sold to G. Grushetsky.

1891 – red colt “Lekhistan” from “Ganjar”.

1892 – without foal.

1893 – red colt “Nezhdy” from “Kekhaylan-Djedran”.

1894 – bay colt “Ovidium” from “Vodan”. Sold to Mr. Zavodzky in 1897.

1895 – without foal.

1896 – grey colt “Ramadarj” from “Sem-khan”.

1897 – without foal.

1898 – grey filly “Turtsiya” from “Dervish”.

1899 – grey filly “Umra” from “Sem-khan”.

1900 – red filly “Zelyandiya” from “Seglyavi-Djedran”.

1901 – … colt “Assad” from “Massad”[77]. Died.

El’frida (Эльфрида)

Belongs to Prince G. Radziwill (князь Г. Радзивилл). Bay mare, born in 1892 at the own farm. Sire “Burun” (see “Debora’s” pedigree for more details). Dam “Lama” (see “Lama” for more details).

Energiya (Энергия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red mare, born in 1885 at the own farm. Sire “Telegraf” of the own farm, born in 1878. Dam “Nevzgoda”, born in 1873 from “Fortunio” of the own farm, born in 1866; granddam “Belobroda” born at the own farm in 1858.

1890 – without foal.

1891 – bay filly “Lesbiya” from “Vodana” imported Arabian stallion.

1892 – without foal.

1893 – red filly “Numsa” from “Yussuf”.

1894 – red colt “Ordynetz” from “Kekhaylan-Djedran”. Sold to G. Dombrovsky in 1898.

1895 – without foal.

1896 – bay filly “Rozina” from “Yussuf”.

1897 – red filly “Slava” from “Yussuf”.

1898 – grey filly “Tkhebe” from “Attyk”.

1899 – grey filly “Val’kura” from “Rueli”.

1900 – bay colt “Zbarazh” from “Seglyavi-Djedran”.

1901 – … filly “Amorante” from “Il’derim”.

Sold to Mr. Vertman in 1901.

Entsiklopediya (Энциклопедия)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Red mare, born in 1885 at the own farm. Sire “Obeyan” imported from Arabia. Dam “Stellya” born in 1877 from “Yagello” of the own farm, born in 1869, granddam “Kalkulyatsiya”, born in 1870.

1890 – … colt “Karmazyn” from “Vodan”. Died.

1891 – … filly “Lipa” from “Rymnik”. Died.

1892 – grey filly “Marfa” from “Sem-khan”.

1893 – without foal.

1894 – bay filly “Oaza II” from “Antar”.

1895 – bay filly “Pal’meliya” from “Rymnik”.

1896 – aborted.

1897 – without foal.

1898 – bay filly “Troya” from “Yussuf”.

1899 – bay filly “Vol’na” from “Dervish”.

1900 – bay filly “Zaryba” from “Dervish”.

1901 – … filly “Aga” from “Antar”.

Esmeralda (Эсмеральда)

Belongs to N.P. Erdeli (Н.П. Эрдели). Red-grey mare, born in 1887 at the own farm. Sire “Tayar” imported from “Riad” in 1883 by Mr. A.N. Erdeli. Dam “Odaliska I” (see “Odaliska II” for more details).

1892 – grey colt “Korinka” from “Gassan” of Khrenovsky farm.

1893 – without foal.

Yancharka (Янчарка)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Red mare, born in 1886 at the own farm. Sire “Gusar”, Arabian stallion imported from India to England and purchased there by Count V. Branitsky in 1878. Dam “Svety № 245”, born in 1874 from “Gemdani” imported from Arabia in 1869; granddam “Chudo № 137” from “Seglavi-Ardjebi” bought in 1857 from Anaze tribe in Arabia; great granddam “Stellya № 99” from “Abukheyl’” imported from Arabia by Mr. Dzedushitsky in 1854; great great granddam “Buzhimskaya” (see “Kheeva” for more details).

1892 – red colt “Savran” from “Zarif”. Sold in 1896.

1893 – bay filly “Afrika” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Mr. von Derviz in 1897.

1894 – bay colt “Ali-Kar” from “Obeyan” of babolna Royal stud.

1895 – bay filly “Niniva” from “Obeyan”.

1896 – bay colt “Yanchar” from “Obeyan”.

1897 – grey colt “Tunguz” from “Vasko-de-Gama”.

1898 – red filly from “Priam”. Died in 1898.

1899 – red colt “Bomulus” from “Tybet”.

1900 – red filly “Arfa” from “Abu-Argub”.

1901 – red colt “Idris” from “Tybet”.

1902 – without foal from “Sultan”.

Mated with “Tybet” again.

Yaponiya (Япония)

Belongs to Prince R.V. Sanguszko (князь Р.В. Сангусщко). Grey mare, born in 1889 at the own farm. Sire “Umbert” of the own farm, born in 1879. Dam “Restavratsiya” from “Gadzi-Akhmet”; granddam “Odaliska” of the own farm.

1894 – grey filly “Orsha” from “Yussuf”.

1895 – without foal.

1896 – grey filly “Rumeliya” from “Yussuf”.

1897 – grey colt “Suleyman” from “Kekhaylan-Djedran”.

1898 – grey filly “Tendenziya” from “Sem-khan”.

1899 – grey filly “Uganda” from “Massiad”.

1900 – grey filly “Zhvava” from “Rueli”.

1901 – … filly “Aleksandriya” from “Rueli”.

Yaskulka[78] (Яскулка) (Skowronek‘s Dam)

Belongs to Count I. Potocki (граф И. Потоцки). Grey mare, born in 1891 at the own farm. Sire “Rymnik” (Рымник) of the Prince R.V. Sanguszko’s farm (завода князя Р.В. Сангусщко). Dam “Epopeya № 263” (Эпопея № 263) by “Dervish” (Дервиш) imported from Arabia in 1870, granddam “Lira № 198” (Лира № 198) from “Obeyan-Matsyuk” (Обейан-Мацюк) of the own farm, son of “Batran-aga” (Батран-Ага), imported from Arabia in 1842; great granddam “Kreolka № 103” (Креолка № 103) by “Iskander-Pasha” (Искандер-Паша) imported from Arabia in 1851, great great granddam “Zozulya № 70”[79] (Зозуля № 70) by “Krolik” (Кролик) of Prince Sanguszko’s farm; great great great granddam – mare of Prince Sanguszko’s farm.

1896 – grey filly “Przhetorka” from “Obeyan”. Sold to Shveytser in 1900.

1897 – grey filly “Meva” from “Iflyak”.

1898 – grey colt from “Tybet”. Died.

1899 – without foal.

1900 – bay filly “Aspaziya” from “Tybet”.

1901 – bay filly “Bondinella” from “Tybet”.

1902 – grey filly “Sikora” from “Tybet”.

Mated with “Tybet” again.

Didjley[80] (Диджлей)

1901 – bay colt “Antar” from “Antar”.

  1. “Chistokrovnye arabskie loshadi Beduinskogo proishozhdenija” where “chisto” means pure, “krovnye” means blood, “arabskie” means Arabian, “loshadi” means horses, “Bedouinskogo” means Bedouins, and “proishozhdenija” means origin or pedigree. It is translated as pureblood Arabian horses of exclusively Bedouin origin throughout this document.
  2. “Krovnye Arabskie loshadi” where “krovnye” means blood, “Arabskie” means Arabian, and “loshadi” means horses. It is translated as horses of Arabian blood throughout this document.
  3. “Chistokrovnost” means pure blood.
  4. “Chistokrovnuju arabskuju loshad” means pureblood Arabian horse.
  5. Presumably means the Russian Empire
  6. “Chsitokrovnyh arabov” means pureblood Arabian.
  7. Proper names throughout this document are spelled according to the standard Russian transliteration into English based on the original Cyrillic text. In some cases, the nomative case of the original Cyrillic is included for reference.
  8. Arabic terms throughout this document are transliterated into English from the original Russian. Proper names of tribes, places, and strains are not corrected for potential spelling errors in English and are presented “as is.” Readers are free to discern whatever meaning they may find in these terms.
  9. “Chistokrovnuju arabskuju loshad” is translated as pureblood Arabian horse throughout this document.
  10. In original text “user’s horse breeding” which likely means a horse breeding for general purposes.
  11. “Krovnymi arabskimi Beduinskogo proiskhozhdenija” is translated as horses of Arabian blood of exclusively Bedouin origin.
  12. “Koleno” means knee and can also mean generations. In this context, however it is translated as strain throughout this document since it is mentioned directly after the name of common Arabian horse strains that existed at the time.
  13. “Krovnosti” is translated as presence of blood throughout this document.
  14. It is a great irony that the authors of this stud book mention the potential for deception and trickery in the homeland of the Arabian horse, referring to local conditions among the Arabs. In fact, the most famous example of fraud concerning Arabian horses was not committed by an Arab, but by a European, Josef Potocki Jr, in his testimony for the registration of the part-bred stallion Skowronek in 1919 as a purebred Arab of pure Arab origin.
  15. “Chistokrobnaja arabskaja loshad” means pureblood Arabian horse.
  16. The Derkulsky horse breeding farm is the oldest in the Starobelsk (Belovodsk) group of stud farms. Founded in 1865 by Emperors directive, though existed before that in another form (~1776).,
  17. “Chistokrovnye” means pureblood.
  18. “Polukrovnogo” means half-blood.
  19. “Angliiskoi” means English and in this context is translated as English Thoroughbred.
  20. From 146.06 cm to 147.32 cm.
  23. “Arabskih loshadei Beduinskogo proiskozhdenija” is translated as Arabian horses of exclusively Bedouin origin.
  24. Zdanovich Alexander Ivanovich (1849-1926). Colonel, later General and manager of the State Derkulsky farm until 1905.
  25. Presumably the foal died.
  26. Probably a typo, could be S.A. Stroganov.
  27. Arabian female
  28. Bedouin female
  29. “Basha” is a Turkish title that was granted by the king to high military or society persons. Yüz means “hundred”, so this is probably a manager of hundreds soldiers.
  30. Some kind of authority
  31. This notation “***” presumably means something was missing in the original text.
  32. A prominent business figure and entrepreneur from Kuban region.
  33. Possibly a mistake. Could be “Emir el-Arab” as there is no “Emir el-Kreysh” listed in this stud book.
  34. Possibly from this Polish family who were horse breeders .
  36. Mentioned as Colonel S.Yu. Yagmin, at 17 Dragoon Nizhny Novgorod His Majesty’s regiment during WWI.
  37. K.K. Kasimir was a prominent business figure in Bessarabia.
  38. Where this horse was imported from is not clear. It could be imported to Russia or imported from Arabia in the text.
  39. Skowronek’s grand-dam. Also known as “Hama” in Polish sources.
  40. Skowronek’s great grand-dam. Also known as “Caramba” in Polish sources.
  41. This surname appears with I. and I.A. versions.
  42. In her journal’s, Lady Anne Blunt describes this horse in her entry on November 10, 1899 as follows: “He (Prince Sanguszko) also told me he has bought an old horse called Mes’ad that was the one sent from the Hejaz to Ali Pasha Sherif (who never bred from him, not being I suppose certain of his origin) and the horse was sold for 11 pounds at the first A.P.S. auction. Prince S. says his produce are good.”
  43. Asian woman
  44. Notated with question marks in the original text possibly indicating that the place of birth is not clear.
  46. Aghan woman
  47. From this point forward, dots are placed as in the original Russian text. Presumably this means that there is no information regarding the offspring in that year.
  48. M.D. Skobelev – Russian general famous for his conquest of Central Asia and heroism during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 .
  49. Transliterated from the Russian text.
  50. Bakhchysarai
  51. Skowronek ancestor. Also known in Polish texts as Szumka II. According to Roman Sanguszko Sr, Szumka II was out of a mare named Polka. Polka was by an English stallion purchased in Vienna by Eustashy Sanguszko in the 1790s. Polka is another name of a woman of Polish descent.
  52. Skowronek ancestor. Also known in Polish texts as “Haylan.”
  53. Prince G. Radziwill is referenced later in the text.
  54. Grand-dam of Skowronek.
  55. Polish sources indicate that Zuzula is by Krolik (Polish for rabbit) out of Matka (Polish for broodmare). Lipetsky farm is also known as (XXXX) in Polish. This is the source of the tail female ancestor of Skowronek.
  56. Sire of Skowronek’s dam.
  57. This is a mistake in the original text. It was Roman Sanguszko Sr.who travelled to Arabia in 1875. E Sanguszko was dead at that time.
  59. Skowronek ancestress also known as Medina. Polish sources indicate that this mare was born in 1844 in Slawuta by Samuel out of Anielka. Anielka was a bay mare born in 1823 at Slauta, by Dzielf imported to Slawuta in 1818 out of another mare named Anielka born Slawuta in 1811.
  60. Polish sources show that the the sire of Medina is a Slawuta bred stallion called Samuel, not an imported stallion Nejdi as shown in the text above.
  61. Creole woman
  62. Mankovichi, Slutsk district, Minsk province.
  63. “Pomeshchik” in the Russian text. The term pomeshchiki sometimes refers to large-scale landowners of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century, regardless of their class. Translated in the text as “man of property”.
  64. No information on the owner listed in the original text, but both sire and dam were from Prince Sanguszko’s farm.
  65. No information on the owner listed in the original text, but both sire and dam were from Prince Sanguszko’s farm.
  66. Istanbul
  67. Myt is pyogenic streptococcus that ferments lactose. In the United States, this disease is commonly referred to among horse owners as “strep.”
  68. Now part of the Czech Republic.
  69. The information presented above does not quite match Polish records. However, this mare appears to be the Skowronek ancestress also known in Polish sources as Bejanka born 1823 at Slawuta, by Bejan out of Pruszyna. Pruszyna born 1812 at Slawuta was by Gnaidy (Polish for bay) out of Kobyla born approximately 1805.
  71. No information on the owner listed in the original text, but judging by sire and dam this horse could be either R.V. Sanguszko’s or V. Valevsky’s.
  72. Also known as “Pharaoh,” purchased by the Potocki’s from the Blunts.
  73. While there are no details on her offspring, this mare listed as a dam for “Dokhra”.
  74. Possibly the Skowronek ancestress “Roxolana” born in 1852 in Sanatow. By Batran-Aga out of Medina.
  75. Skowronek ancestor. Also known as “Iskander Basza” in Polish sources, born 1851 by Batran-Aga out of Armida.
  76. Skowronek ancestress. Also know as Armida in Polish sources, born 1843 at Slawuta.
  77. Likely “Massiad”
  78. Skowronek’s dam. Also known as Jaskolka in Polish sources.
  79. Polish records indicate that Zozula was born in 1850, by Krolik (Polish for rabbit), out of Matka (Polish for broodmare). Matka is thought to be by an unknown stallion out of a mare known historically as Iliniecka. Iliniecka is the tail female ancestress of Skowronek.
  80. All information on “Didjley” is given in Part 1 “Pureblood Arabian mares of Bedouin origin”.
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